Proudly banned from Lemmy.World since 2023 for saying “fuck those guys” lmao

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023

  • Personally I hated it.

    I thought the story was horribad and the main two characters were not likeable at all. Also, since I watched this anime for the first time only 2-3 years ago, the concept of terrorists disseminating their messages via viral riddles on a Youtube-analog already seemed quaint and outdated to me.

    It had very good art direction and animation, though.

  • If I seemed combative, I apologize. I appreciate you engaging in good faith. It is a rarer and rarer sight to see on social media.

    Ok, so your problem is with people likening ANY anime with children to pedos specifically as opposed to anime with actually sexually suggestive content involving children?

    Yes. I see this sentiment a lot and the sheer stupidity of it exasperates me to no end. Not only does it seem to me like it’s a position that arises from people unable to differentiate between fiction and reality, it also irritates me because it actually diminishes the severity of child sexual abuse IRL.

  • Any site that bans an anime because of the girls’ ages in the show is full of hypocrisy. They pick and choose which shows and girls are inappropriate and aren’t consistent about it. Especially when they allow sexy shows based on real children (Cuties).

    I think they’re doing a major disservice to actual victims by comparing them to cartoons. (emphasis mine)

    Hot take: people who get upset over young characters in anime and compare it to pedophilia are actually the fucking worst. They don’t actually care about real children or real victims of real sexual abuse, they only want to ride their high horse on a bullshit tide of false self-righteousness. Their sense of indignant justice and ego is inflated further by not only looking down on the concept as a whole, but also associating all anime fans with it, and thus looking down on them too.

  • I posted this comment on and got banned from

    Who even cares, fuck those guys. revealed how far they have their heads jammed waaaaaay up their own assholes when they released their new TOS and were patting themselves on the back about it. Then, in true Le Reddit fashion, anyone in the comments section who dared to question that decision was getting mass down voted by brainless sycophants. got lucky by being the most visible and attracting the most users this past summer, but it doesn’t make them inherently special, which they clearly now believe they are.

    The Fediverse is a new opportunity for internet discussion to feel free and open again rather than confined by kowtowing to corporate interests. These instances defederating from is forewarning to any users with their heads up that they are just places to avoid anyway.

    Now, regardless of whether you agree with my stance or not, or if for some reason you are offended by the fuck word, is criticism of policy seriously an offense so egregious that it warrants a ban?

    Of course it isn’t.

    And before somebody tries to cleverly point out “hurr durr you sound butthurt because you got banned from LW” that’s not at all the point I am making here. I’m pointing out the sheer insecure pettiness of the administration at LW that they would get so bent out of shape from some criticism from a throwaway account that they would ban it on the spot.

    Ask yourselves if you really want to make LW your home base, because I do not.

    Edit: also lol at Antik, a LW admin, coming to this comments section on an alt account and arguing with people. Dozens of testy, sparring comments bordering on harassment. This is the exact immature behavior that I am calling out. He had to literally do nothing to get a win here, yet he deliberately chose to show his ass to everyone instead.

    Edit 2: LW banned every user in this thread who posted a criticism of their insecurity, pettiness, irrationality and cognitive dissonance of thinking that “pictures of anime” are somehow all CSAM. They have brigaded this post - roughly 50% of the 100 comments here are from the admin or his alt literally harassing people simply because they stated they do not like LW. These are not the actions of sound-minded individuals, these are the actions of actually insane people.