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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’m aware of that definition, but from the conversation I’ve had here with someone from Hexbear, I wouldn’t jump to quite that overgeneralization, as clearly that isn’t the universal view from there.

    I don’t entirely doubt there’s the possibility that some people there might think more like that, but it’s a group within the overall group, and seemingly one that is looked down upon by others there.

    Though bringing that up, that does give me curiosity as to how a sort of broad poll on how Russia is viewed, specifically whether with or without nuance, would go there, as it might help sort out that exact problem of if it’s a minority there that believes Russia is entirely right or not.

    The reason being for it being a sort of poll, is it would be significantly easier to put numbers or percentages to the result there, and being far more generally accessible, rather than discussions and replies that would be hard to really count accurately due to the sheer number of users.

    Of course, that might not work, but it brings the discussion to the topic of what might clear things up more, and that seems like a step in the right direction I’d think.

  • On the second part, I kind of said “world police” as a more broad generalizion of all the stuff the government does for the sake of simplicity, but elaborating helps for those unaware of the extent of it.

    On the sixth part, I ended up not recalling that being a thing, but as you bring it up, yeah, something probably should be done about the upper class being able to profit from violence, as that profit helps nobody except those who don’t need it, and encourages more violence for a cycle of more profit and violence.

    And I’m glad I got it as well as I did, I really enjoy understanding different people’s perspectives and the reasoning behind them.

  • I’m going to type this response out as I read to get a better sense of understanding, and go back over after I’ve read it all.

    I’ve known some friends of mine that are more anarchy leaning, so I get that to a degree already. And funnily enough, that right wing conspiracy stuff my parents are addicted to kind of feigns at class solidarity, but then they get too lost in their hatred of basically anything that isn’t cis straight white Christians etc. and go back to fighting amongst themselves in some kind of spiritual war between themselves and the “Satanists” they’ve made up to label their “enemy”, so not really any progress there.

    Summarizing the second part in my sort of unfancy and simpler way, the US really needs to stop trying to be this “world police” that it thinks it is, especially given the problems within the country itself, and let more different countries work together through compromise to contribute to progress in the world.

    Third part, essentially “it may not be the best possible option, but it can be a step in the right direction in some way, and it’s way better than letting more power and control be centralized in one place”.

    Fourth, pretty much “economy and material for the people, along with the pressures within and without their country, define politics and society, not their leader’s ideals”.

    Fifth, different people have different ideologies on what is exactly best and how much the conflict should be focused on, but generally based on the previous points, and on class solidarity most of all, which I can agree with.

    Sixth, basically we want the war to end sooner so the people caught up in it don’t have to keep suffering through it, which I absolutely agree with. Though I will say what might seem possible is for Putin to lose support from the I guess “upper” class, realizing it’s not worth the losses and putting an end to it, though that’s being optimistic considering it’s the same class that has enabled it to continue. Otherwise, it would probably take a force neither side seems quite capable of to end the sort of ongoing stalemate.

    Again, open to correction here, I’ve not been too focused on the progress of things there, so the situation could easily have changed since I kept up with it.

    Seventh, I get the sort of idea to it, again, it’s putting the best, or in this case, the least bad, for all the people involved over what would supposedly be “best” for the state and upper class, which totally makes sense in that regard, though I think I’m not quite getting the whole idea of the paragraph across on my end.

    And the last one, just basically saying the exact specifics differ for everyone, of course people are people, and everyone expresses what they think in their own unique interpretation, sort of like how I’m interpreting all this here and now for a better understanding. And those interpretations all have their equally unique reasons behind them, usually for some form of comfort or knowledge, or just trying to find humor in even the darkest of things.

    And the last bit, I think you did well, and given what I’ve typed, it seems to have gotten across pretty decently from what I can tell anyway.

  • That more nuanced reasoning was what I was noticing from that reading replies I mentioned.

    And I’m not certain on it, but I have a feeling generally being more direct with expressing that support as being specifically for the positive things that came from those places, rather than what might look to an outsider as broad and without nuance support for those places as a whole, might do better.

    People often have flaws with them, and understanding nuance is a common point of lacking for many. Especially when some people might say the same thing but without that nuance, or in some cases, the opposite of it entirely.

  • I’ve read through some of the replies within this post, and I think I’m gradually getting the idea behind it, though I’d gladly take a more direct explanation or summary.

    My main concern is just with modern Russia’s government, and its more regressive aspects, along with their actions within the war with Ukraine.

    But I’ll absolutely state I’m not very knowledgeable on a lot of the details behind it, aside from Russia’s news putting out whatever they can to justify their actions to their population, but I’d take correction if that part is off course.

    For a bit of additional context, I’ve been living with my parents who have since 2016 been going further and further off the deep end of right wing conspiracies about everything, and one of the things I often notice from those places is an unwavering support for modern Russia, partly or mostly for said regressive aspects.

    So because of that, I do have a level of bias against Russia, but again, I’ll take a look at other points of view regarding it.

  • And I understand what you mean, it’s just the years of sticking to grammatical rules to be “correct” when they feel so unnatural to how I actually hold conversations has had its effects on me.

    Sure, in school I never got treated differently for having Autism/ADHD, but that was because it never became apparent, and my parents never believed I had either, because I was “too intelligent for that”, despite the signs throughout my life, including my older sister and many of my friends being able to tell just from being around me.

    And so after all that, I’ve started gradually opening up, and writing how I would speak, even if it’s not “correct” as that learned grammar would want it to be. And so the apology is somewhat of a holding point to that grammatical formality I’m leaving behind.

    Even half the periods I’ve typed here are still restraining myself from letting my “voice” keep going without pause, as I’ve gotten it into my head from those years that it’s seen as “annoying” or some other negative attribute to do so.

  • Yeah, I generally agree with your stance on it, which is a little bit of a change from previously, but more so understanding better what was already there.

    My main problem with their instance is the sub-group of more antagonistic and condescending users, which have an overlap with the ones posting what you’ve described as “Kremlin propaganda”.

    Although said propaganda isn’t quite exclusive to Russia, there’s also Chinese propaganda stuff there too from what I can understand, which again has that same sort of overlap in users, if not the same users as the Russian propaganda sources.

    Also, some of the culture of the instance is a bit off-putting, namely the allusions of sorts to pigs, but that could just be my Autism causing me to feel more offended by that than normal.

    As it is, politically speaking, I’m not fond of Capitalism, I’m aware of the general historical problems of authoritarianism that have taken over what attempts at communism have been tried, and so I can agree with a decent amount of the views taken there.

    But the pro-Russian stuff that shows up there is absolutely wild to me; a country so actively hostile to LGBTQIA+, and yet it’s getting support from people in an instance that is inclusive to that same persecuted group? The same country that doesn’t even appeal to their ideals of leftism and/or communism in modern day? And the same country that blatantly commits to violations of human rights? It doesn’t make any logical sense.

    So to your point, it’s a moderation issue mainly, and an issue that actually is being addressed, so nicely done to the admins/moderators there for that, and well done to you for bringing that to attention here as well.

    And hopefully as you’ve said, once people start getting used to the rules and connection to other instances, said antagonism, condescension, and trolling will reduce with time.

    And apologies for the absolutely flowing sentences that go on for way longer than normal, I blame the Autism/ADHD, as it’s closer to how I actually speak vocally. I try to space it out so it’s more readable, and less of a wall of connected language that blurs together, especially for those who might have dyslexia.