• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Just how much has Bongbong Marcos’ propaganda fucked up the Philippine people?

    I’ve talked to people from the Philippines who say that the Marcos family has made several propaganda movies of themselves, showing themselves as “regular people” (albeit with shittons of jewels and shoes way out of reach of the average Filipino) and benevolent leaders under Ferdinand Marcos’ dictatorship.

    This is the same Ferdinand that killed and tortured all his opposition with US support, and robbed ~$7 billion from the Philippines Central Bank when he was finally kicked out to Hawaii.

  • Finally, a post in which I have some academic expertise.

    Corals have adapted over thousands of years to thrive in the temperatures in their areas of the globe. As such, they are able to survive the natural rise and fall in temperatures year-round. However, as climate change increases all temperatures worldwide, and makes heat waves more likely and more intense, it directly threatens all corals around the world.

    Corals bleach if temperatures reach 1 °C above long-term monthly averages* for one month, and die if it is 2 °C above for a month or 1 °C above for two months. We passed the tipping point where corals start bleaching in the 1980s.

    As CO2 levels have continued to rise (past 400 ppm as of today), and as global average temperatures have continued to increase, more and more coral reefs experience temperatures above their bleaching tipping point. As a result, today corals around the world bleach every single year. They bleach so often that they have no time to recover and simply die.

    The IPCC and COP’s CO2 targets WILL guarantee that coral reefs go extinct. However, current governments’ policies are not even meeting that standard. In order to preserve coral reefs, we need to not only stop all CO2 emissions, but reverse our previous emissions to pre-industrial levels (280 ppm) and reduce global temperatures through technologies like rewilding, carbon dioxide removal, and solar radiation management.

    Until then, we will have to use technologies like electrified reefs (Biorock) and genetic breeding of heat-resistant corals to hopefully preserve some modicum of coral reefs for post-climate change days.

    Some people will bring up causes such as sedimentation and destruction due to human activity, and toxicity from waste and sunscreen. While these are factors, they are extremely localized and do not account for the majority of bleaching events worldwide. Pristine corals in the middle of the ocean that have never experienced human activity are also bleaching.

    If anyone has any questions around this topic, feel free to ask!

    * for scientific and data reasons, long-term monthly averages for any location on Earth are defined as the average temperatures of the hottest months at that location in the 1980s

  • North Korea will always need a sizable military budget until occupied Korea and the USA stopped practicing how to invade their country twice every year. South Korea’s military is also enormous and is the same size as North Korea’s.

    My argument is that it lets them spend less human resources on the the military and instead direct it to improve the country.

    Also, I don’t trust any Western reports on North Korea supposed military expenditures. They will always try to depict North Korea in the most nonsensical, worst possible light.

  • This pivot against FOSS in the West will just hurt themselves. The strength of FOSS is its huge potential for reach, while its drawback is that it’s harder for FOSS devs to make a living.

    In the West, FOSS devs all live on donations. While a few FOSS programs become huge enough to sustain themselves, most fail. Western governments have deliberate policies of not finding much FOSS development, exacerbating this issue.

    Socialist countries’ (e.g. China’s) policies of government investment in development invariably leads to more investment in FOSS, providing FOSS developers more stable incomes. For example, China has multiple government-funded Linux OSes (UOS, Kylin, Deepin), OpenHarmony OS, etc.

    This will ultimately snowball into more and more FOSS programs, creating a vibrant socialist-developed software ecosystem the developing world can quickly plug into at low-cost.

  • This is a quote from the play The Fever by Wallace Shawn. The play depicts a person who becomes sick while struggling to find a morally consistent way to live when faced with injustice, and harshly criticizes the United States’ record in supporting the murder of communists and socialists. The play ends by saying that only blood spilled on their doorsteps will bring the complacent rich to change their selfish ways (which the NYT didn’t like for being too radical).

    Wallace Shawn is a socialist, Jewish actor and playwright who has:

    • supported whistleblower Chelsea Manning
    • worked as a speaker for Jewish Voice for Peace in October 2023 as an anti-Zionist Jew
    • narrated a political ad in April 2024 denouncing AIPAC influence