• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • DeadlytostytoSuperbowl@lemmy.worldCuriosity
    1 month ago

    Heey, I dont have any questions, but wanted to let you know that your posts often make me stop and appreciate nature. Your enthusiasm is a blessing and make this one of my favorite subs. Thanks for the work! Keep posting <3

  • DeadlytostyOPtoComic Books@lemmy.worldMy haul for the day
    2 months ago

    Already I finished The Wicked + The Divine. It was such a good read. Couple of twists I didnt expect. The story is really captivating and well drawn. Still have a lot of questions, and cant wait to get some of them answered. Really recommend this one! Such a shame I only bought the first issue ;p

  • Thanks for the thoughtful response! They really help.

    Piracy was actually what got me into reading and buying comics in the first place. I came across Saga which peaked my interest and I have been reading since. From there went to a local store and picked up Sandman.

    I dont have a local shop too nearby, which makes it harder to go to stores and just browse or get advice. But I will try to make some time soon to go browsing :)

  • I dont know if this really fits what you are looking for, but we had a Dutch writer called Thea Beckman who wrote the book Crusade in jeans (kruistocht in spijkerbroek). No clue if it was translated, and if it isnt too teensy, but I liked it when I was younger. It is about a boy from our time being sent back to the medieval times, and how he had to deal with the crusade he found there.

  • I am not fully familiar with the term quarterbacking, but I assume it is where somebody effectively plays the whole game and tells everybody what to do?

    I think if you are aware of it, it is easier to stop quarterbacking. When I play it I try to give advise on hotspots for problems, but I wont plan somebody elses turn. But they decide. But the game can be prone to it. You could always play with your cards closed, then people have less information, which prevents 1 person from figuring it all out, but might complicate the game some extra as well

  • We have had some busy weeks last weeks, so the amount of games is liwer compared to normal. This weekend we finally had some time again ^^

    We played 2 games of good ol’ pandemic, which we horribly lost. Mostly due to the lab expansion, which we hadnt played in a while and forgot the proper strategy for.

    We also played a game of Theotihuacan, but it isnt my game. We have played it a couple of times now, but I am tense the whole way through, as there are so many actions and every single one counts so much. If anyone has some experiences with this game and can tell me your experiences I would love to hear. It is a game my fiance loves, and I would like to at least like it as well…