• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • For what it’s worth, as long as the stream is active you yourself don’t have to be actively watching it. You could find a streamer who’s streaming overnight (relative to your timezone), put Twitch on, go to bed and wake up with a mount.

    And to be fair, any sort of external requirement is going to annoy someone, and FFXIV does have a few of them. Between regionalised promotions, food tie-ins, streaming rewards, timed preorder bonuses, time restricted PvP rewards, expensive statues locking emotes, etc.

    There’s always going to be some stuff people would like but either can’t get or don’t want to participate in whatever the promotion is. I don’t see that going away any time soon.

  • Also true! I was more thinking the actual gathering process itself but retainer ventures are just as effective, especially if it’s for something that is a timed node. You might not get the instantaneous gratification of crafting something right there and then, but it’s never far away for the vast majority of materials.

    Then you just hold the ones that are relevant for current gear or stuff you actively work on (for example, my FC chest is completely dedicated to all the stuff needed to craft subs).