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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • Was going to say that.


    One of the main skill a developer must have is being able to troubleshoot properly how their code behave.

    Break your code in small pieces, check all of them with unitary test (formal or not) to validate their behavior then move to the next step. Never test everything in one shot or you will be overwhelmed by side effect bugs whom will distract you from the real root cause.

    Being a programmer is not just coding but also testing and deploying (even locally).

    That won’t avoid you being blocked by a silly mistake for hours, everybody did that at some point in their career, but that will reduce your frustration against yourself when you discover why the bug existed.

    Do a pause, go walk, change the topic and the next time you look at your code, you will spot the obvious bug :-)

  • On avait jusqu’à 2027 pour trouver une stratégie pour contrer Putin, FN & co…

    Maintenant, on fout en l’air notre democratie au pire moment, galvanisant les fachistes qui étaient déjà bien mobilisés, tout en s’assurant que les groupes non majoritaires - qui galèrent pour financer quoi-que-ce-soit - n’aient pas les ressources, ni le temps pour s’aligner et communiquer proprement.

    Et on fout dans la merde l’Ukraine dans un mois alors que cette année était déjà à risque avec les USA en Novembre… C’est SUPER. Gros stratège à Paris. Comme la gauche sera incapable de s’aligner en 4 jours, va falloir voter à droite pour contrer l’extrème droite.

    Sauf que ça va pas marcher car lorsque l’on fait des paris en politique, ça te péte toujours à la gueule…

  • Enoril@jlai.lutoRance@jlai.lu"Bougez avec La Poste" 💀
    25 days ago

    Leur nouvelle version de suivi des colis ou lettre est une pure chiasse! Ils mettent des publicités totalement inutile entre les étapes qui rende sa lecture terriblement confuse…

    Genre un paquet rentrant dans une boite aux lettres…super c’est déjà livré? Ha non, c’est une publicité pour une boite aux lettres homologuée…si tu attends un(e) colis/lettre à une adresse, tu as évidement déjà ça, que c’est nul et mal pensé…

  • Switched to arch linux last november, didn’t had to launch my backup VM Win10 at all. I even managed to play at StarCitizen with better performance than under Win 10…

    Just wow the progress of Linux, Wine & co since my last linux try (Ubuntu, around 2010).

    I just need now to find a linux way for my music stack and all the VST (my steinberg usb card is recognized and play properly oO) and Windows will be history at home…

  • except if you compare it with windows 11.

    My Win11 was so bad (compared to Win10) than I’ve switched to ArchLinux. I’ve won around 10~20fps without doing anything particular (and also gain some better loading time as the nvme sequential access performance was much much better under linux).

  • When the first stage of the invasion started, Macron was the president of Europe. So he had to play his role and present the view of the european leaders, even if it was not aligned with our internal views.

    I don’t like him, didn’t vote for him the first time (2nd time i did vote for him to avoid marine le pen election, founded by russian banks btw…) but you can’t use his behavior (amenable), trying to avoid escalation, as “yeah i’m your buddy putin, go ahead” or "i totally trust you’.

    Our head of intelligence was fired because HE didn’t present the invasion as realistic (based on normal logic it really silly)… but the whole intel community was fully aware of putin desires. President included. He knew Putin was playing with him. Everybody knew.

    But he had to play his role, as EU leader at this time.

  • Indeed, you can achieve a better result with less verbose naming convention. And choose better variable name to make it obvious than 0 Hp is death. While i don’t like having too verbose variable name (as it impacts the readability and quick understanding of the function), i’m not against that for the function name… without going too far of course!

    Best is too have proper datamodeling of the object manipulated on top of some classic basic comments. Good interface contract is also a minimum. Best is to have full datamodeling of all the services, objects, in and out interactions between them, etc.

    Documentation is a mandatory piece of the code delivery (with tests being the other important part) far too much forgotten if you don’t enforce it on your teams.

  • Enoril@jlai.lutoRance@jlai.luAttention lapinou !
    4 months ago

    Il n’est pas impossible que ça soit aussi un clin d’oeil volontaire même si tube pour métro n’est pas vraiment quelque chose qu’on associerait en premier. Il me semble que tube pour metro est plutôt une association anglo-saxonne.

  • Enoril@jlai.lutoRance@jlai.luAttention lapinou !
    4 months ago

    Ce mot existe depuis 1900 apparement et a peu évolué depuis. Son 1er sens est toujours lié au fait qu’on se fait enfumer, tromper.

    Tubar, ça veut dire fumer et à l’origine, fumer la pipe. Par conséquent, entubar ou entuber signifie enfumer et donc au sens figuré: égarer, tromper.