Don’t Think, Just Jam

  • 268 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023


  • TL;DW:

    • Patrick Breyer and Niklas Nienaß submitted questions to the European Commission on the topic of killing games (the latter in contact with Ross and two EU based lawyers).
    • EU won’t commit to answering whether games are goods or services.
    • EULA are probably unfair due to imbalance of rights and obligations between the parties.
    • Such terminations should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis (preferably by countries rather than EU).
    • Existing laws don’t seem to cover this issue.
    • Campaign in France seems to be gaining some traction. Case went to “the highest level where most commercial disputes submitted to DGCCRF never go”.
    • UK petition was suppose to get a revised response after the initial one was found lacking. Due to upcoming elections all petitions were closed and it might have to be resubmitted.
    • Also in UK, there’s a plan to report games killed in the last few years to the Competition and Markets Authority starting in August (CMA will get some additional power by then apparently).
    • No real news from Germany, Canada or Brazil.
    • Australian petition is over and waiting for a reply. Ross also hired a law firm to represent the issue.

    This is a simplified version of simplified version, watch the video for more info.

  • Translation of the Break Blade’s final chapter is finally here and it’s a bit of a bittersweet moment.

    For those unaware BB was a fantasy mecha series, which ran between 2006 and 2022. While it wasn’t perfect, it had some pretty interesting writing and ideas - especially early on. There was mystery, intrigue, some political shenanigans and a lot of action. Things did slip a bit in the later parts of the story (I’m not sure if it had to do with author’s health, creativity issues or just lack of compatibility with serialized schedule) but overall it was a pretty fun ride - even if not a complete one (story concluded but there were some set ups for new arcs).

    It also had some great feeling battles, with chunks of armor and parts getting dented, shot up and broken in a very satisfying manner. You could really feel the strength and weight of each hit.

    It wasn’t a best thing ever bot boy was it a fun ride. I’m going to miss this series.

  • I’m not going to trudge through days of content to confirm because it’s not that important but I’m pretty sure she did talk about planning to graduate even before the CN fiasco happened (as in, plans came before, I think she talked about it after leaving Holo).

    As for Kobo… I’m in two minds about this. On one hand, it’s fair to be worried considering what happened. On the other, Kobo feels a bit more “detached” from the core Holo fan base and had some Chinese content already if I recall correctly (stuff like song lyrics etc), so this might work out for her. Maybe?

    I’m sure Cover wouldn’t go for it without some serious risk/reward balancing and I hope they prepared contingency plans in case things go south. All we can do for now is wait and hope for the best.

  • I assume you already know this but just in case - depending on what’s your bottleneck you might want to play around with graphics options (High/Very High to put more work on your GPU).

    In general, however, bigger performance gains will most likely come with the final (or at least more advanced) implementation of Vulkan, when multi-threaded-rendering is enabled. That said, we still don’t know how much of an effect it will have and I don’t want to market it as another “Jesus tech that will fix everything” - there’s too much of that around SC already.

  • Ahhh, gotcha. I checked the links in OP this time and honestly the NFSU version sounds like many radio edits I heard before so I’m not sure what to tell you. Couldn’t find an official radio version to compare but I don’t really hear anything strange there.

    Is it a ham-fisted way to do it? Sure. Personally I chuck it up to the fact not every label bothers with a less noticeable edit for their songs.

  • A lot of explicit music has (or used to have) a “radio version” which silenced or changed the offensive language so they could be used in places and products aimed at a younger audience. That’s what this is.

    Music isn’t the only thing with censored cuts. Have you ever seen old TV versions of mature rated movies? Die Hard, Scarface and many others had swearing redubbed in corny and unfitting ways just so they could be played on the small screen.

    It’s just another way of “protecting” kids from one thing while completely disregarding other, more screwed up elements still present in the same media.