FunkyStuff [he/him]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2021


  • Started a new Factorio game. First game I thought I could survive by just having a perimeter of gun turrets around my base with double walls, but I never got around to making the red ammo so they became useless as soon as big biters started to spawn. I learned my lesson so this time I prioritized military science and have been building fortified outposts at each ore patch. Been loving building the huge rail network too, going much bigger than my last game.

  • Israel can only exist because of American imperialism, and the whole purpose of its existence is to keep control over the Middle East for American imperialists to do as they desire. There’s technically nothing contradictory about Trump saying he’s got America’s best interests in mind and also being rabidly zionist. The only ironic thing here is that Biden has a longer history of zionism and has long used his power to keep Israel afloat. Bibi playing hard to get shrug-outta-hecks

  • I don’t know anything about anything but I’m pretty sure it’s not a good time to invest regardless. Hedge fund ghouls will know the bubble’s bound to pop ahead of time so shorting this when AI hype starts to die down probably won’t work, and actually investing in Microsoft or whatever hoping you can cash out before people realize it’s nonsense is also incredibly risky for the same reason.

    Not to mention the possibility that AI isn’t like crypto and it actually is here to stay. Obviously another 4 trillion parameters aren’t gonna get Chat GPT to stop telling people to replace pizza sauce with glue, but there’s a legitimate chance that tech goes along and pretends this garbage works. That’s just how it is now.

  • It’s not a red/brown alliance if the reds are all dead, genius. Putin is not your savior, he’s just in a position where he’s doing anti-imperialism as a result of his country being ostracized and excluded from participating in imperialism. I can’t exactly call him an opportunist because he’s not even genuinely trying to sell his government as progressive anyway. He’s calling queer people in Russia extremists, and yeah obviously NATO demons have an even worse track record, but don’t act like there’s no reason for me to be skeptical of his angle when he calls his war a crusade against the globalists.

    Just to make my point clear: NATO is even worse than Russia at all the things Russia is accusing them of being good at. NATO is more racist, more queerphobic, more reactionary than Russia. But Putin has to bat for a base of nationalistic chuds in his own country, which is why he attacks the West for accepting immigrants, pinkwashing, and not respecting tradition or whatever. He’s weirdly doing the right things while saying all the wrong things.

  • You’re trying to say that your fascist slogan isn’t fascist because Ukraine got rid of the fascists. How is me bringing up all the instances of fascism being mainstream in Ukraine off topic?

    You’re also saying that they can just freely put guns in the hands of genocidal Nazis because they’re fighting to keep land that the Ukrainian government was shelling before the war started? You understand that Nazis are guilty of killing far more civilians in Ukraine than Russia has, right? You’re throwing out the baby with the bathwater to a ridiculous degree. If Ukraine has to resort to recruiting Nazis then they should just surrender, otherwise even if they could somehow win, they’re just going to put all the ethnic Russians in death camps.

    Also, just so you know, even the Ukrainian government is perfectly aware they’re not going to win this lol. Here, have a look, maybe you can buy yourself a bit of land or some government offices:

  • There’s definitely something weird about a guy whose base is very nationalistic (and not in the national liberation sense) positioning himself in opposition to “liberal globalism” when you and I know perfectly well that ‘liberal’ in that phrase can perfectly mean the f slur, and ‘globalism’ means NATO just as much as it means immigrants. Putin has sold this war domestically as a fight against western decadence, as though they’re fighting a morally indecent society.

    I’m not saying Putin is wrong to defend against NATO expansionism though, just to be clear, but you don’t have to hand it to him.

  • There is absolutely reason to capitulate: the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have an average age above 40 and are absolutely scraping the barrel by conscripting any poor man they find. There is no universe where Ukraine pushes back the front to recover any substantial amount of territory. They have already attempted to launch counteroffensives in better conditions, and all they’ve achieved is to slow down Russia, never actually regaining any territory. The only reason they’re even in the war still is because NATO wants to sacrifice Ukrainian lives to weaken Russia, and corrupt Ukrainian politicians are making a quick buck by privatizing they country in the meantime. This is obviously not sustainable long term; in another year or two they won’t be able to recruit more people, or they’ll run out of artillery shlels.