• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • It’s not about collecting data, the fediverse freely shares all its data by nature.

    Threads has a lot more users and Meta would use that to attack smaller instances, a bit like what Lemmy world was doing a few months ago.

    The biggest instances usually have the most communities and if they ban other instances, rival members are more likely to migrate over than to create copy cat communities.

    It’s not terrible at the moment but bringing in threads is like throwing a shark in a shrimp tank.

  • TollBit, a startup aiming to broker paid licensing deals between publishers and AI companies.

    If we can’t scrape data freely, it instantly kills the open source scene. These regulation only benefit companies like OpenAi and Google, who will happily pay an exorbitant price to have exclusive rights on data they don’t already own and get a monopoly in return, as well as the companies who own this data like Reddit, Getty, Adobe, etc.

    Getting a dime was never in the cards for individuals except maybe the outliers like GRR who can throw their weight around.

    Almost all regulation being proposed only benefit big AI companies and are meant to kill any competition. They are flooding the media with bad sentiment articles to manipulate people so they can tell congress their constituents want this.