Mind your thread! Russian brigade incoming!
Mind your thread! Russian brigade incoming!
Ah ben le jour ou je gagne au loto j’achète que des trucs fabriqués en France. En attendant, j’achète le moins possible et sinon du 2ème main quand j’ai le temps
That’s crazy good! Thanks for sharing!
Like here
Possibly, it was sold where I was
Too bad the Taft-Hartley Act put the last nail in the Coffin of US Unions
Both conditions can coexist, they are not necessarily exclusive alternatives.
To me it’s obviously sarcastic. It this is not the case, I fear I won’t ever be able to grasp the depth of the pit in which fell the conservative mind
I really liked the Red Stripe and Abita when I visited the US. Don’t come near me with a Bud or a Coors through
That’s a lot of m2. I hope they build according to the latest energy-saving standards!
TIL, thanks mate! I guess people have always longed for the good’old days…
In the 18th Century, it should be more a type of pageantry armor
Looks like Rambo to me
“transition center”… in Europe, they used to call them concentration centers
I own a 10 y-o kinetic, I hope I can keep using it till I pass…
Médailles biodégradables, c’est raccord avec lees ambitions écologiques des Jeux de Paris :-)
Cute singing dinosaur!
Popperinge en Belgique: 332 100 ng/l !!!
Le nombre de prélèvement dans les grands bassins industriels français est suspucieusement faible en comparaison à nos voisins (Belgique, Pays-Bas, Ruhr, plaine du Pô…)
Je croyais qu’Albert était prêt à être lancé d’un jour à l’autre… ?