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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Ultimately, relationships often depend on it. Many men in my life are fine and comfortable when I express vulnerability or weakness. Though when I do in relationships, it often goes sideways. Decision making, certainty and very positively received. Alongside that, recent relationships respond positively as they prefer a submissive role.

    The woman in my life have generally maintained this type of role.

    For further clarification, physical violence hasn’t been required or welcome in adult life. Barely seen a usage since school.

  • I was the men’s conversation I want to see, by challenging negative content. It was removed on grounds 3 and 4.

    “Build upon content in the original post”. If the post does not fit in with the sub, we cannot follow rule 3 without challenging it. By deleting the challenge, you are preventing us following rule 3. I understand moderation, but this is too heavy handed, and you’re just pushing people away. Is this supposed to be a community, or a mod pinboard that consumers respond to?

    If I crosspost from reddit, from a subreddit not related to this content, it would rightly be removed, and I think relevance is important. Which it is described as a feminist community, it is about men’s lib and should be relevant to that.

  • “She told the Sunday Telegraph extra money for public services would have to come from economic growth.”

    So no money for public service improvements. They are saying they will do no different to the Tories. So they are happy with the state of almost collapse in the NHS and people waiting on trollies in corridors in winter.

    Celebrating this and that they are getting backed by big business. If you are paid and your decisions are based on that, isn’t that corruption. Celebrating being corrupt? How is this attractive to anyone, left or right?

  • I would contest that only men are the issue. I have found in my personal life, when I have been vulnerable, or emotional, or distressed, the cost is quite severe socially. Men don’t open up, because often society doesn’t want them to open up. Weirdly enough, it’s the women in my life that have most frequently had a negative reaction to my humanity/distress/vulnerability, guys often have been there and they understand to some extent. They may not always know what to say or how to respond, but you often feel the empathy.

    I don’t believe you have to assume men are the cause of all problem to believe in positive tenets of feminism such as that women should be free to be who they are, and achieve what they want and society and governments should accommodate that right and eradicate those things that hold them back.

  • I think you’re understating it. While the op was pretty painless. The wound care can be a little stressful.

    It is a permanent procedure and one really needs to consider if they are happy to go that route. Reversals have a high reversal failure rate that get worse over time. Can not be counted upon. Even if you freeze sperm, IVF is never a guarantee, and not all women are comfortable with it.

    Of course, I did this, and absolutely have no regrets. Probably one of the better decisions I have made. Anxiety has gone, and I feel somewhat safe.

    I didn’t really want to take the permanent route, but had no other choice the was safe. Condom failure rate is high, and trust in regards to other methods is just too much. You want to have full control over your reproduction.