• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • I second the use of shellac. I’ve been using shellac on a maple cabinet project I’m working on right now.

    Maple is a proper bitch to sand because it’s so hard. I wouldn’t recommend sanding higher than 180 at most of else you risk glazing the wood, which makes it hard for your finish to work. Also any alcohol finish is going to dry extremely quickly and be very finicky to work with… Particularly on a very large continuous surface like a desk. It’s not impossible, but absolutely, definitely, practice first. Figure out your brushes, your mixture, your technique all ahead of time. When you hit that desk there’s no turning back and it’s go time.

    I tried over a dozen different oil and gel based stains for the project, and shellac was far and away the best looking, due to maple’s exceptionally tight grain, and high tendency to blotch.

    Good luck! I really enjoy working with maple, but boy is it a challenging medium.

  • Home Improvement projects are finally progressing at a decent clip. I’ve been stuck under some hangups that have made progress slow. We’re looking into purchasing a new mountain bike for my daughter. I’m really excited to get out and do some singletrack with her and try some new things. It’s a super exciting opportunity for her and I! :)

  • For the last month or two I’ve been building a set of cabinets/room dividers to hide my TV in (There’s a TV lift under there!). Construction has gone well, and I got a lot of the doors built this week (hooray! I was pretty nervous about them). But now I’m starting to butt my head up against learning how to stain wood, which I have very little exposure to… so… that’s been challenging. Hopefully I’ll figure something out… it’s turns out maple is pretty tough to stain.

  • Oh man… PLEASE go for Frozen Flame. I ran the first half of book 2 of that campaign while my group was in between games. It’s perhaps one of the most coveted experiences I’ve had yet. I absolutely adore what we did in book 2, and from what I’ve read, book 1 is just as great. The AP is dripping with flavor, and really embraces its setting. I look forward to the day that I get to experience the whole thing!

    I’ve done a whole bunch of 2e stuff. I’ve run a couple one shots, I’ve been running Age of Ashes for 2 groups for about 3 years, I’ve done some off-the-rails homebrew as a result of player choices in those games, and I’m playing in a 2e conversion of Strange Aeons at the moment.

    If you’re looking to start a new 2e game, I very much recommend getting all of your players at the table together for session 0 to discuss group buy in and rough character themes. Once you have character themes, only THEN dive into mechanics. Unlike 1e, it’s much more difficult to build an objectively garbage character in 2e, which means the system is FAR MORE welcoming to building out an idea. 1e (in all of its glory) was so wrought with pitfalls, that if you tried to build from an idea, you had about a 80% chance you’d end that journey with a garbage character. 2e doesn’t do that. It’s lovely!