Ivysaur [she/her]

A non-stop attack move. The user’s ATTACK power increases every time it sustains damage.

  • 1 Post
Joined 22 days ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2024


  • Man fuck you. You don’t deserve to use these words. Let me tell you a little something about direct action and what participation in a struggle of liberation looks like.

    My wife works in this little crappy Chuck E Cheese knockoff arcade downtown- pretty much the worst place to be all things considered, but we don’t have any other choice for income and it pays well enough of any minimum wage job we’ve ever had. She’s been there for a year and has never once taken off her N95 indoors or around other people for any of her eight hour shifts (and her combined three hour commute to and from the building). She has been the only one to do so. When she describes to her coworkers, the wonderful working class of the United States, that she does it to protect me, an immunocompromised person in her family, and when she describes the dangers, shows them the data we have surrounding current Covid trends, they will all say “yeah wow that’s bad”- and then we offer them a mask from our personal supply of N95s and they go “no thanks” without hesitation, every time. They have mandatory “safety meetings” every few months and we’ve brought Covid and masking up at every one of them in addition to casual conversations with her coworkers. There is no plan to change policy. There is no plan for them to bother themselves for the sake of others, or even themselves, at any level of the social ladder, institutional or interpersonal. One of her coworkers talked about driving to Seattle a few weeks ago for a concert with someone who tested positive for Covid, but that they weren’t worried because “it was probably a false positive”. One of her coworkers complains that she started a couple weeks ago and has been sick twice. My wife has been sick that much the entire year she’s worked there, because she wears a high-quality and well-fitting respirator at all times.

    Last year we wanted to go to an event nearby and asked the organizers of what was planned to be about 40-50 people if they would require masks because I was an immunocompromised person and wanted the best chances to avoid infection as much as possible while still being able to participate. In their messages they sounded sympathetic, assuring me that they would and that those who saw what I said would wear them for me that weekend. We were two of maybe four people in masks there. They didn’t do anything for us, and people who said they would mask were not wearing them. So we left.

    But go on and fucking tell me what Fred Hampton and Ho Chi Minh think, bitch. You want me to be optimistic about this? Tell me what the fuck you’ve done!

  • I deleted my earlier comment but no, fuck it, this shit is stupid. I’m sick of this patronizing nonsense. Call me a fucking doomer because for the last four and a half years I’ve been begging, BEGGING, all of you to make your stupid fucking orgs accessible to me and to people who don’t want to be/can’t be infected by Covid and NONE will do it. NO ONE. Your pride marches aren’t accessible, your organization isn’t accessible, your demonstrations aren’t accessible, your recreation isn’t accessible! None of you give a single shit about solidarity with the lowest among you! So yeah, I’m a fucking doomer! I’ll stop when you all stop dooming me!!

  • Sorry I am physically incapable of engaging with most of the real world because none of them will protect me from the plague and my own precautions are a thin plank against a tidal wave of plague rats so a video game and books are pretty much all I got to keep me sane in this compulsory asylum you all have me locked in. There would be no greater joy on this good green earth for me to touch grass as you all love to say but every other fucker on that grass will kill me by simply breathing on me and none of them seem to give a shit no matter how nice or mean I am about it, so back to Etheirys I go…

    quick edit to apologize to OP because I know this is a joke post but there are some very heavy-handed, not-very-jokey “video games suck and you suck too” responses floating around here that I can’t abide. Video games do suck, sure wish I could go volunteer at my Communist Org For Building Communism like you and all your badass friends, except they (and probably you too bitch) are all carrying airborne death and won’t do anything about it. Fuck you.