• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Fun fact some (many?) don’t know

    The movie “I Am Legend” is loosely based on a novel (and subsequent other film adaptations back in the day) of the same title.

    The “twist” in the book is that the doctor (Will Smith in the most recent movie) who survived in the books goes around slaying what he sees as monsters. These vampire-like creatures who used to be his friends and are still sentient (in the book). They gather outside his protected home at night and call out his name because they remember him. They aren’t mindless like in the recent movie.

    Anyway, the title of the book is referring to him. He’s a legend among the vampire people because he’s a mass murderer of them. They all hate him. And eventually capture him and (I think, been like 15 years since I read it) execute him. You don’t learn this until the last like couple chapters. The entire story until then is from his perspective of these inhuman monsters that he tortures and kills in an effort to cure the disease that turned everyone.

    The twist seems kinda cliche now as I type it out, but that book is pretty old… it blew my mind when I read it anyway. Some of the details might be off, but I like concepts like this

  • So manning got sentenced to 35 years under Obama (pardoned after 7 served also by Obama… thanks Obama…)

    Assange was effectively imprisoned all this time and his official sentence is apparently going to be 5 years counting time served already so the feds get a “W” and now he can leave London finally

    I wonder how much time the people on video murdering Reuters reporters got… oh, zero. The only real response from Obama’s DoD was “🤷 looks legal, bub 🤷 what can we do? 🤷” The same shit they’ve always said. Same shit they run now to cover for Israeli war crimes. They literally justified the killing of the reporters by saying they were embedded with militants… simply because the “militants” had AKs. People in a non-US country had weapons, reporters were there for whatever reason, US kills all of them, and post-death just calls them all terrorists. Reuters took it too. They ate shit and never openly called out the DoD.

    Guess it’s just important to remember with all the recent insanity from Israel and US protecting the IOF, this is really just the same shit they always do

    Dogshit country where no good deed ever goes unpunished

  • Seems like shit!

    I like what the ublock origin creators/devs have to say about ads/adblocking

    It is important to note that using a blocker is NOT theft. Do not fall for this creepy idea. The ultimate logical consequence of blocking = theft is the criminalization of the inalienable right to privacy.

    Ads, “unintrusive” or not, are just the visible portion of the privacy-invading means entering your browser when you visit most sites. uBO’s primary goal is to help users neutralize these privacy-invading methodsin a way that welcomes those users who do not wish to use more technical means.

    From their Github

  • Someone needs to write a story (you MFers do not want to entrust me with this one) similar to the Elden Ring lore.

    I don’t know how of it ties up, just spitballing here, but Elon and his pedo brother are like the grotesques and their children will also be grotesques. Grimes is the booba star lady. I forget all the elden ring lore…

    Oh yeah it definitely needs that chicken that we all glitched to level up easily (yes, you did it too, reader)

  • (Long quote, sorry)

    the more time we spent with the ADL’s antisemitism audit, the clearer it became that the dataset itself is severely structurally limited—and may significantly *undercount *right-wing antisemitic incidents. One fundamental problem is the way that the audit’s data is separated from other categories on the H.E.A.T. Map: White nationalist incidents that don’t explicitly name Jews are tracked as White Supremacist Propaganda or White Supremacist Events but not as Antisemitic Incidents, leaving them out of the audit. There’s a strong case to be made that all such incidents should also be included in the audit, even if they do not include explicit antisemitism. (Our cursory survey of those other datasets did turn up explicitly antisemitic incidents that should have appeared in the audit based on the current methodology, like an instance of Patriot Front passing out flyers with the Nazi slogan “blood and soil” and references to antisemitic websites, as well as a handful of overtly anti-Jewish events hosted by the virulently antisemitic GDL.

    Well, well, well…

    Based on this reporting/analysis which is extremely fair and even still gives a slight pro-ADL bias (imo), the exact thing everyone on the left has been saying was happening… was indeed happening.

    The ADL, Greenblatt as their little Nazi mascot, are incredibly far right wing. In bed with Elon Musk, an out and out white supremacist evidenced daily in his own posts. They support Israel perhaps the furthest right wing country on earth currently. Even further right than the US somehow… etc.

    The ADL is going out of its way to downplay or ignore literal actual Nazis/KKK/etc. which would include basically all the people Elon retweets on any given day. Any reference to “great replacement” or any coded language around it is, imo, but I don’t feel this is actually debatable, antisemitism. Any reference by churches saying Israel must exist to bring Jesus back or that Israel is righteous or whatever I’d also lump under antisemitism and also Islamophobia. Because it is just plainly is.

    But the ADL ignores all of these actual, literal antisemitic references/beliefs that lead to actual violence or threats of violence against totally unrelated-to-Israel Jews to instead spend their time focusing on the left broadly. Specifically young anti-Zionist Jewish-led groups, all pro-Palestinian groups broadly, and other explicitly non-hateful groups that seek to end the apartheid, occupation, etc. to varying degrees. Some don’t even want to see Israel dismantled; they just want to see Israel held accountable and made to stop being allowed to do very clear and obvious crimes. Nope, that’s antisemitism according to Greenblatt. But not the local KKK rally as long as they don’t ever actually literally say the word “Jew” in their racist rants.

    A person could not better devise an organization that is more harmful to Jewish people broadly than the ADL (and all pro-Israel groups/lobbies) if you tried. Greenblatt and all the people like him, Jewish or not, are actively complicit in the rise and support of far right, antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ, anti-black, anti-indigenous. Really just anti-humanity beliefs.

    Hope they all have the worst fates

  • Im kinda “upset” that it took this long for dlc simply because I played the game a ton when it came out, dead all the endings or whatever, farmed the chicken (we all know the chicken) and I tried picking it up the other day again and uh… I dunno. I’d have to start a totally new game at this point, but also, fuck that. I feel like dlc ~6 months after release was about the sweet spot. It’s just been way too long, imo. I really enjoyed the game but it’s not a game to be played into the ground and then picked back up two years later

    … I’ll probably still get the dlc…

  • I’m actually glad my parents never really cared about this stuff although I do personally only rarely wear shoes indoors. Like if I’m doing work and in/out. And outdoor clothes I can only assume means like you were doing hard, sweat-causing labor or otherwise dirty labor. Not like driving to the store and coming home to change into pajamas before you sit on the couch (lol). Like yeah if I go for a jog of course I’m going to get a shower before I sit on my furniture or bed. But otherwise…

    But as a child of Yakub I am accustomed to living in my own filth

  • Must be amazing heading one of those companies

    “Hey, investors are demanding a higher return this year due to inflation. You’re gone if they aren’t satisfied.”

    “Ah shit… alright get Lindsey Graham on the phone. Tell him I need him to write In another $100B to the defense budget…”

    They literally just print money and no one in congress is ever gonna question it or say no for fear of being reported as “not supporting national security” or whatever

    Dogshit country

  • So stupid too

    Putting aside morals and such of nukes, the terrestrial ICBMs are totally unnecessary when subs already exist and are out in the oceans carrying warheads that can devastate any country on earth. Just scrap the dickwagging missiles and stick to the subs. But boomers love nothing else more than dickwagging, so, here we are.

    And again, the entire premise is stupid, just saying how they take a stupid idea and exponentially make it stupider

  • I feel like he called Bezos to ask for a good hormone doctor, whoever these billionaire men in their 50s/60s go to for T injections and everything else, and he gave him a quack as a joke.

    Or maybe the doctors are like “ok, the hormones make it possible for you workout like you’re 25 again. But you still have to do the workouts if you want to be shredded and buff.” Clearly Jeff listened to whatever the advice was while Elon went home feeling good and started eating Doritos on the couch while ignoring texts from his trainer asking where he is for their appointment… which, honestly, kinda relatable. But I look like beached (and bleached) Moby Dick without spending all the money on whatever the fuck cocktail Bezos is on.

    Elon would do better on something like Ozempic to just get super skinny. He’s clearly too lazy for the muscle building, athletic 60 year old billionaire bod.