• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Make your point then and make it factual? Cause so far you have said America doesn’t have immigration to fall back on which it does in spades even though I agree it looks like, and is in all practicality, slave labor.

    Then said, incorrectly, Chinese immigrants worked in mines and used unrelated other slave labor immigration as whataboutisms.

    The point was that America can sell the idea of itself to keep import of cheap labor high and you have wafted about without a point just yelling at people about all the things you think are wrong with the world and nitpicking, poorly, other people.

    You don’t stay on topic and you basically don’t have a point other than be angry. If you have a point make it. If you want to be angry and rant then fine but be honest about it and just be angry and rant.

    You get yelled at because you slip off topic to sputter out a “fact” that you think wins an argument while it being tangentially related and off topic. Your dog dying is not a good excuse for failing gym class. Yes it’s sad. But it’s not the point.

    Take this as a learning moment from someone that agrees with you and won’t back down at telling you, find a different way to talk to people.

    This “holier than thou” shtick where you say random factoids as a way to feel superior in a conversation ain’t doing you favors and isn’t accomplishing anything other than stroking yourself out. And it’s fine if you want to do that but do it in private. We don’t need to see you jacking off your ego.

  • OK so I’m a millennial worth $-35,600, that’s a negative net worth thanks to student loans and the fact that owning anything is outside of my shirt on my back is basically been priced out.

    So a net worth of close to $900,000 is feeling a lot like a whole fuck ton of money to me. And probably a lot of other people nowhere fucking near that.

    Just cause we live in “western” countries does not make it immediately that we are anywhere near the 1% either. It’s 1% for a reason. Just more of that 1% live in western worlds cause that’s where they want to live. Don’t think of it as some slam dunk.

  • Oh it’s awful but I’m saying people are paying the privilege to be treated like shit in the US cause it’s “better” than their crumbling local country or beats the idea of their false impression of their crumbling country of origin.

    I didn’t brag about it. But the US sure does have this happening at a rate hard to be ignored.

    I mean I literally used an example that is historically known to have been basically a scam to import cheap labor and you still got defensive and hostile.

    Your need to be right will kill any conversation you are part of.

  • Yeah. It’s a but like Manic Pixie Dream Girl. It was used to describe a specific terrible character in a bad movie where she had no other role other than to appear when needed and be perfect for the scene and the main character to fix him ignoring any character consistency or growth, but then it became an insult to just women and then its own joke.

    We complained about the shitty comic cause it was jarring and weird as a way to handle a serious issue and it being so distasteful was the point. And it’s been eroded as just a reference to be made now for the sake of the reference.

    Meaning and origin break down with iteration. We either need to let it die and stop responding to it or work to fix it.

  • Oh yeah. I fled the state after my rent went from $1,500 to $2,700 a few years ago, with no work having been put into the shithole that I had to syphon dirty water from the air conditioner by hand to keep it from overflowing.

    I can’t even imagine the convoluted thoughts that lead to thinking these places are fair to be priced like that. But you get your loan evaluation on your properties based on how much you charge for rent so suddenly it makes a lot more sense.

  • Krauerking@lemy.loltomemes@lemmy.worldCities these days
    1 day ago

    In Florida I toured a place that I thought was a house to rent but ended up being one of 7 apartments spread across the house, garage, and guest house. Literally the bathroom was in the kitchen and the hallway just had dry wall separating it in half. The stair well for one of the units was just nailed poorly to the outside of the house and wasn’t covered at all.

    Incant imagine what parking would have been like.

    Agreed on the hatred towards landlords.