Lucero [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023

  • Whats a really fun stat to look out in the gap in generational wealth among poor whites and blacks is a house adjusted for inflation. So the gap in wealth is basicly a house due to red lining and other fun Jim crow era stuff. Really hasn’t ended either actuarial tables don’t describe race but describes poverty stricken areas which effectively recreate red lining but with crime income and various other descriptions. This matters because of how loans and city bonds get evaluated this restricts funding and perpetuates the cycle. Aint that grand.

    The entire political treat econmy for America is balanced on who gets access to land so various rents dint wipe away generational wealth. Housing is a speculative asset that Essentially chains Americans to capital as mortgages (death contracts in french) become a tool to disaplin workers as access to loans to get a good rate to buy to build wealth as this helps you escape the lower end of the working class.

    If you ever wonder why housing ownership is so valued among workers in America its a way to escape poverty if you can pay it off but its a double edge sword as high prices and unfavorable lending conditions can make you more compliant at work as your fear of losing your property cause constant stress on a household expenses.

  • I think we should question the idea if safe spaces are compatale with federation ultimately, look I cant speak to the trans experience, so I’m not gonna comment on it but I think acceptance and strict upholding of trans people as people is non negotiable any attacks on trans people is an attack on the whole working class. Full stop.

    This all being said we need a long term stragy to deal with reactionary and liberal temperaments we need to incorporate them but not let them have any power, overall I feel we need unflinching bans and bullying on anti trans activity, I think safe spaces wont work its clear in this federated environment the savage reactionary hordes are still afoot we need to take the fight to them we need to be stronger together. I am tired of losing, im tired of retreating i am tired of being a victim. Im sorry these shits are horrible, but we need to get better together we need to otherwise we won’t survive in real life and here.

  • I think federation was not a good idea as federated structures create multiple cores over time we will become periphery to another instance and then just die. I cant tell if that’s happening at this point. In my mind hexbear is life capsule for the tail end of the Bernie moment, the left right now is largely discredited and that was hard for me to accept I have focused not on a turn to self like the boomer left and some milianial left have begun to do instead going on some personal journey.

    Instead I’m trying to reform my local psl and dsa to build a relationship with the local community and you know actuly provide skills shareing and physical goods, and community for the working class It took me covid siting inside reading the history of the American left to understand why we failed why we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over, I refuse to play that game any longer. And I’m not gonna lie its been hard, but its also been rewarding in friendships and prespective, but somedays I want to not live, and others I feel connected like that hole in my heart is filled.

    The one message I guess I want to give the people is two things.

    1.We need to take serious the task of building left social reproduction a leftist should be able to go to most cities and find a party that has within groups they can date people in and make friends with at any age.

    1. Peoples social alienation is bad for them and the unique captliat milayse that everyone seems to be under is bad letting people become anti social and alienated makes the task of organizing the working class impossible. The level of atomization right now we are watching the working class decompose in real time the levels of lumpenisation are at a historic high and yes even in the third world.

    If this last trend dosent reverse we won’t have a political subject anymore, if that happens we won’t get power until climate apocalypse renders nation states redundant.

  • The conservative end of liberalism has had this weird brain wrinkle forever, except the court is political it quite literally is a political institution created by politics to enforce laws And serve justice, justice being the enforcement of laws not a value proposition of if the law is (insert what ever you want here, just, ethical, righteous, serves the right values.) Like how has the court ever not been political inherently. It’s just either bad faith or trying to side step the court is only political when the court enforces laws you don’t like.

    I get real tired you can’t separate the political from the econmic and you can’t separate the court from the political. At least in my opinion. Like just say you disagree with the political values the court enforces holy shit.

    This lady: But I don’t want to do that because it would look bad to say this outloud in crowded room because of what it implys, so I am gonna say the courts are geting political, so I don’t have to say what I mean.

    Me: sounds like a you problem. packwatch

  • I wouldn’t feel guilty for just being in the core, the cores interior of the core has a periphery if you living in rural south your in third-world adjacent conditions. Same with a lot of other places the real core of America is NY city and LA. I think we need to be more nuanced then every worker benefits from imperialism if there inside the boarder of x country that historically benefit or currently, from imperialism. Because its not that simple folks, I am on mobile but look at droping rates of life expentency in America. Clearly the situation has more going on. Our lowest paid working class is imisserateded but we don’t have anyone or any party to help us.