• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • I would presume that they are talking about the federal bill Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Shab-eh-nay Band Reservation Settlement Act of 2023 and one in Illinois. If I’m understanding this correctly, after over a 100 years the Potawatomi band right to sovereignty as guaranteed by a 200 year old treaty is being debated in both the US congress and Illinois congress.

    Reading in to this makes me want to go to a protest in DeKalb county as according this NBC news

    Many residents who live next to the park oppose the plan, fearing construction of a casino or even a hotel would draw more tourists and lead to a larger, more congested community.

    “Myself and my family have put a lot of money and given up a lot to be where we are in a small community and enjoy the park the way that it is,” resident Becky Oest told a House committee in May, asking that the proposal be amended to prohibit construction that would “affect our community. It’s a small town. We don’t want it to grow bigger.”

    I’d want to tell them “Land back and I’ll go away.”

  • I suspect that trauma is being a tool of reactionaries to create more reactionaries. Imagine starving and having the media tell you it’s because of X-men (lgbt+, other race, other religion, ect). European elites told their citizens that god was punishing them because the Jews in the 15th(?) century, so the Jews were expelled. Over time the elite began to realize they could escape judgement for poor leadership and remain unquestioned as long as there was an “other” they could blame and punish. The leadership did not wish to be judge, so the leadership found a scapegoat.

    During the rise of industrialization through capitalism, they need more scapegoats, so they found more. By indicating to people that wealth and private property were signs of good morals, they were able to claim a moral high ground in the eyes of the traumatized. So by spreading this logic in areas where the population hadn’t yet recovered from a shock, they are able to spread fascism. Lots of countries have dealt with trauma without turning fascist. Trauma can absolutely help create fascists though.

    Trauma to create fascism is basally a few steps:

    Step 1:

    Man made trauma, economic, drug wars, colonization, slavery, cyclical capitalist crisis, war, disease

    Step 2:

    Blame the poor, or other, and flaunt wealth, so they know that the holder of the wealth is the good guy, not a thief.

    Step 3:

    Tie aid for recovery to demonstration of fascists ideas so that only fascists can thrive.

  • Religion is the opium of the people.

    -Karl Marx

    Opium is a wonderful in the case of a person dying or in great pain, but in other circumstances, can be quite harmful. Contemplating religious concepts can be helpful for getting through extremely trying times. It can provide comfort in the face of the unknown. This allows religion, like corrupted science, to be twisted into something used to support atrocities. Sadly because some people seek truth through religion, and rely on religion for their morality, it is easily twisted into a weapon of war. It is similar to the way opium was turned into a weapon of war against China in the mid 19th century.

    I like to think of religion as a pain medication for the spirit. Even in a wholly just society, people die. Their loved ones will feel that pain, and religion can provide some relief.

  • Instead of the ADL we should promote organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace.

    I didn’t mean to suggest that we should promote them, but to understand the power they wield. Obviously promoting the Jewish Voice for Peace is important as well.

    Best case scenario we would simply be replicating the Soviet idea of having a Jewish Autonomous Oblast, and while they also meant well when they implemented that, i’m not sure how effective it actually was in protecting Jewish people.

    I’m not sure about the JAO of the soviet union either, the stats I found on it made it seem like a non starter. Probably also not great to suggest they go to Siberia, given the things imperialists like to say about it.

    I would of course prefer to make sure my country remains a safe space for all religions, in all cities and regions. That would be ideal.

    Perhaps it would be better to simply have a guaranteed right that those facing hateful or classical antisemitism can receive asylum here? I’m not sure what the best answer is, I definitely see your point though.