• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2023


  • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.eetookmatewanker@feddit.ukgood news lads
    4 days ago

    It’s right that I should now stand aside as leader. What I said during the referendum campaign is I want my country back. What I’m saying today is I want my life back… I have never been, and I have never wanted to be, a career politician.

    Nigel Farage, MEP 1999 - 2020, Reform President 2021 - present, after resigning as UKIP leader

    He got exactly what he supposedly wanted with the Brexit referendum, and then fucked off to do TV and radio interviews. He’s not a serious leader, just a shit slinger who refuses to take the mantle and be left making hard decisions.

    Never mind that he’s bankrolled by Arron Banks, who seems to keep having meetings with Russian oligarchs and ambassadors for ‘business deals’, or that his trophy wife may be a spy.

  • I had a former workplace like that, it was beautiful 🥹

    We had a hot seat meeting where each department representative wasn’t even in the room until their individual staggered start time kicked in. One out, one in, cycling through each department until the meeting was over. They get to go back to their work and not be ‘meat’ in the room for fifteen minutes or more, we got focused reports from each as they filed in and out.

    Sometimes I miss working for Germans, but “alles in Ordnung” cuts both ways - good luck breaking through the bureaucracy reporting chain and getting quick results

  • Never said Rosenbaum, Huber, or Grosskreutz were justified. The court ruled correctly that in that microcosm of each shooting, Kyle acted lawfully. He didn’t magdump, or shoot at the crowd +20 yards away, he didn’t threaten others.

    Rosenbaum made threats to kill both of them, saying “if I catch any of you guys alone tonight, I’m going to fucking kill you!”

    But if you can’t see why him roaming alone in a riot situation with a rifle caused this scenario? Bruh.

    If he left the rifle at home, he wouldn’t have gotten into a wrestling match over it with Rosenbaum. If he had stayed with the group, Rosenbaum wouldnt have had the chance to fight him. If he hadn’t violated the curfew in place to go be a wannabe hero, none of this would have happened

  • We can play the blame game all the way back to Chauvin, gutting of mental health facilities, slavery, etc but Kyle decided to insert a rifle into a situation that neither he, nor the rifle, was invited to. He went looking for problems to solve, strayed far from the group he was seen with/the police/safety/etc and naively went towards the rioters and protesters.

    Regardless of morality or the law, that decision has ruined his life and caused the death and injury of multiple others. They were turbo dumb for chasing him, but Kyle was astoundingly stupid to drive from his home and come to Kenosha. He was looking for trouble to solve, got in too deep and like the untrained and dangerous fool he was, shot his way out of it.

  • luckily, Rittenhouse was able to react fast enough to stop him

    No. Rittenhouse is a fucking fool who should be ashamed that his decision to bring a rifle to “assist as a medic” caused this entire scenario. Wandering alone, caused this scenario. He only walked on the charges because he was juuust within the law, not because he was a hero

    Like yes, when he was filmed extinguishing a dumpster on fire, and walking around asking people if they need help, that’s admirable. But just as we rightfully criticize cops who let situations escalate and are ‘forced’ into using lethal force, so too with Kyle. He’s the idiot who inserted a rifle into the scene and went wayyy away from friendlies off on his own