MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Self-preservation alone would be enough I’d argue.

    It’s a hideous and dangerous precedent even in a long and terrible history of dangerous precedents. And Assange was a relatively well connected, broadly (at the time, as far as most were concerned) apolitical figure. If the US had been able to walk through what they wanted, with little to no concern or push back from other states and legal groups, I’m certain they’d already be black bagging and trying left wing journalists and whistleblowers of much lower profiles in secret military courts.

    I don’t think this plea deal or any amount of public outcry is going to stop the likes of the CIA pulling that kind of thing if they really want or need to enough. But it does make it harder. It does indicate there’s stakes for governments who go along with it. It does add a cost to that kind of activity. And it may have helped stop it becoming policy more broadly used.

  • Michael Gove got pilloried by every shitlib media figure, Labour politician, and civil servant for saying “the public have had enough of experts”.

    Now all those same people may not say it out loud, but have adopted a much more deeply destructive and craven hatred for experts, actual science, or policy research and are enacting it regularly to kill the public.

    These people deserve to be dragged before a court of the people they’ve harmed and loved ones of the people they’ve callously killed with this bullshit and be sentenced accordingly.

  • It can feel oddly dated but that’s probably because it took about ten years to get made and is based on a book from about two decades ago. I’ve seen a lot of criticism of it as being myopically focuses on a very particular type of upper-middle class blackness that neglects some of the broader class dynamics of the book and… yeah, it does, but when it’s deliberately focused on that I’m not sure how strong a criticism that is. I also feel like breaking the fourth wall to get yourself out of having to stake your flag in the ground of a single answer to the questions and issues the film raises can feel like a bit of a cop out, but at least it’s an honest one that works with the whole thematic and character discussion at play.

    Beyond those slight issues though I think it’s pretty phenomenally acted, generally well written, wonderfully shot considering it was basically made over a few weekends, and often genuinely funny. It also does a pretty amazing job of putting the act of writing on screen, which is a tough thing to do.

    I enjoyed it and can understand why some people really love it. I can also see how it got so many accolades and awards.

  • This has nothing to do with analysis and everything to do with being a dipshit comes from endlessly consuming empty, self-aggrandizing slop of the ‘I Am Very Smart’ variety.

    Filmmakers, film critics, and film writers more generally are nearly always by far and away the absolute, most film obsessed viewers and most of them could tell you exactly how every shot is constructed, what lens it’s shot on, picture the script layout in their head etc. It doesn’t ruin their ability to enjoy film at all.

    So I’d suggest actually going deeper into understanding and analysing film, from people who aren’t fucking lazy edgelord YouTubers trying to seem clever, to unlearn some of the shit habits they’ve conditioned themselves with.

    Additionally, human empathy will get you a long way with being absorbed by characters. Try going outside, talking to people, not self-consciously trying to be the smartest person in the room, and then apply that same mindset to fictional characters. You’ll never enjoy a film if you’ve decided you’re already above it and the characters are just puppets you want to dance in particular way instead of the representations of real people.

  • It sounds like the people around him are confident it’s a done deal, with his time in Belmarsh acting as ‘time served’ for a more minor breach of thae espionage act.

    But I’d still be worried the US pulls some shit as:

    Assange is scheduled to appear in a federal court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a US commonwealth in the western Pacific, where he is expected to plead guilty to one charge under the Espionage Act of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defence information. The extradition request is expected to be dropped and Assange won’t face any other charges.

    The hearing is taking place in the Northern Mariana Islands because of Assange’s opposition to travelling to the US mainland and the court’s proximity to Australia.

    Prosecutors have agreed to a sentence of five years, but have said the time already served in a British prison will count towards this. This means that he will probably walk free after the sentencing.

    The guilty plea must still be approved by a judge, but if it is, he is expected to return to Australia after the sentencing.

    What if the judge says ‘no’ and gives him a much harsher sentence to be detained by the US?

    What if they just straight up black bag him?

    On a tiny Island with only one or two witnesses instead of a busy city with a (nominally) free and interested press.

    I hope this is the end of the ordeal for him, I truly do, but I don’t think I’d ever believe it until I was safely in a country I was sure would never extradite or collaborate with the US. Although right now it’s clear he doesn’t have much of a choice.

  • Basically this, but also because often Elbit is leasing the properties for their factories without giving a full accounting of what they produce and for who. So the ‘victim’ in a lot of these cases is a third party property company who, when attention is brought onto the issue at trial, don’t want the potential legal liability or just getting tied up in investigations over war crimes / genocide. So they’d rather treat it as though this is an issue caused by a ‘bad tenant’ (Elbit etc) and deal with it by cancelling Elbit’s lease. This is why so many actions have permanently shut down Elbit sites; because they lose the lease and other property companies are less and less likely to lease to them as they don’t want the trouble either.