• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Avocado oil is what I use. It has the highest smoke point of the readily available cooking oils, is supposedly healthier than other oils, has a clean flavor and doesn’t peel once polymerized for me. Olive oil works, and so does various other fats; bacon, tallow, butter etc.

    I use my cast iron more than any other pans because it is more versatile than my carbon steel or stainless steel pans. Each have their own place but cast iron works for more of what I do. The cast iron absorbs heat and works well for doing high heat cooking so having an oil that doesn’t burn until higher temps gives more temp ranges to operate in. When an oil/fat goes past it’s smoke point it becomes a carcinogen and is unhealthy to breath/eat. So avocado oil’s smoke point just over 500° is better than olive oil at around 300°-350°f.

  • Honestly, when I first read your comment I read “I’ve been able to accomplish” not “It’s been able to accomplish” and thought to myself… yeah, look, this is good research with tons of benefit potential for the world but maybe these laws are in place because DIY scientists with home labs shouldn’t be messing with it just yet, I mean, that sounds reasonable. The meme provided also kinda could be taken either way in the “I’ve”, “it’s”

    But yeah, it took only a few seconds to re-read it and find my mistake. I had figured you were joking with the “I’ve” thing to prove a point, not that you were really experimenting with stem cells at home. Either way, it was a fun mental rabbit hole for about 5 seconds. So thank you.

    And I agree with you, we should be funding this type of scientific research.

  • Ah ha! Thank you, this was one of my worries with increasing the capacity, I was worried that even after replacing the 4TB drives with larger capacity drives that the new drives would still only be limited to the lower capacity partitions. I wasn’t sure if there was a way to increase them.

    My work around for this was to back up all the data on the NAS currently (only ~7.2TB) onto an external drive. Put the new larger capacity drives into the NAS, format them properly and setup the RAID as needed and then transfer the data back onto the new fresh larger capacity drives in the NAS from the external drive.

    1. Cool, thank you for you input on using larger drives. I figured it could but wanted to be sure before spending the money.
    2. I know the PR4100 will rebuild itself if you remove a faulty drive and replace it with a new one, I am just not sure how it would work when upgrading the size and if there would be a better way to go about doing so than just letting the PR4100 do the work itself.

  • Thank you for your thorough response!

    I figured there wouldn’t be an upper limit but I’ve been burned before in the past with trying to use too big of a drive in various applications over the past 3 decades of computer use so I wanted to be sure before dropping a lot of money on new high capacity drives for the NAS.

    When I replaced the one drive a few months ago I just removed the faulty drive from the NAS and slotted in the new drive in its place and the NAS copied everything and was up in running again in a few days. It was only 4TB but it took awhile. I know it should be able to if I replace like for like sized drives but I wasn’t sure how it would be have if I start replacing 4TB drives with 20tb drives.

    I do have a drive cloner already, buried in an old tech box in the garage that I could use but it is several years old (6 maybe?) so I am sure it isn’t as fast a a newer one. Maybe I will pick up one or two of the ones you suggested to speed the process along.

  • Who is searching for a single monolithic solution? Who suggested there was one?

    Not sure where you are going with this or where you are pulling that from.

    Plenty of mentions of what one could or would be working towards in the above conversation so I think that is a dead end topic.

    “Saying a lot of focus goes to putting in work” and then “saying that therapy is just like a simple thing” are contradictory, so which one is it? I don’t think anyone has mentioned, or even inferred, that therapy is a simple thing. Not sure where you got that from.

    I see you making a lot of assumptions that aren’t based on this thread of comments so it feels like you are fighting against a straw man of your own creation instead of actually engaging in this conversation.

    Also, your contributions here have been directed more towards dismantling any suggestion without putting forth an alternative that could benefit this community. It is like you are fighting for the status quo and suggesting that we shouldn’t strive towards improving our quality of life

    How is you moderating how much others get to believe in their potential to improve their own quality of life in any way a useful tool to anyone other than yourself?

    The fact is that therapy and medical treatment is a statistically valid first step for people who suffer from ADHD and other similar disabilities/disorder. Those disabilities/disorders, if left untreated, statistically lower your quality of life, which can be measured by many different metrics. This is not anecdotal but based on the research done by people like Dr. Russell Barkley and others who have studied mental disabilities and disorders for decades while developing treatments for said disorders. I have read their books and feel their research stands on it own. You are welcome to debate their findings with said professionals in this field of study. No one said it works for everyone and no one said it is the only path. Again, it feels like you are debating arguments that no one is making.

    I think it is unfair for you to put a ceiling on how much potential improvements that others can make to their own quality of life. I do not think it is helpful to “Well… Ackchyually” your opinion into the conversation to nitpick topicality of terms and to question the validity of proven starting points for people who want to seek help for their mental disability without providing alternative suggestions and beneficial contributions to the conversation.

  • Not sure I am following you on this one, I believe the only time happiness has been mentioned in this thread of comments is when I said I am the happiest I have ever been. I think I am uniquely qualified to determine where my new baseline lays on a happiness scale.

    What you said does not dismiss the existence of a generally agreed upon meaning of happiness. Yes, it spikes to high levels for short periods of time and it sinks into sadness too. But that does not mean the baseline cannot shift up or down on that scale and hold at a new level.

    Define your scale with words that make sense to you but I think you would be hard pressed to convince anyone that seeking professional help for a mental disability, or even a suspected mental disability, would not lead to better outcomes or a high quality of life for those seeking help than to not seek help at all.

  • Yes, no doubt, it is such a wide spectrum with many co-morbidities, generalizing anything is really doing it a disservice. Many, but not all, use therapy as a way to gain an understanding of their condition and to acknowledge how their triggers work to develop mental fortitude to address those triggers. It is definitely not the same for everyone and there is work being done by thousands of people daily to understand ADHD, and other related or unrelated mental disabilities, to develop better tools. For now, predominantly, the focus is on meds and therapy because those are the tools we have right now that have the highest probability of alleviating some of the suffering related to those conditions.

    Sorry, I did not think I was implying that chemical assistance or therapy were not valid treatment paths for those who have ADHD. They saved my life, I slogged through decades of not knowing; with meds and therapy to address my ADHD, and various other issues/co-morbidities, I can honestly say I am by far the happiest I have ever been. It is a long and difficult journey and my path, like everyone else’s, is unique. For people who suspect they may have it but don’t know where to begin then exploring therapy and meds is an excellent place to start. It may not be what you need to get to where you want to be but bringing your issues to trained professionals to grow your support team is not a bad move to make, they can help you get the help you need.

  • Some/most of the way the ADHD presents itself is that they are things that everyone does, but ADHDers do it much more often to the point it is a problem or deemed socially unacceptable. So yes, ADHD touches a lot of things that neurotypical people do which is why it is such an insidious disability, it hides in plain sight and is dismissed by others as the individual displaying those traits just doesn’t have the mental fortitude and they need to practice better control, which leads to the ADHDer not seeking therapy/meds for their condition as they are made to feel that their condition is a personal failing and not an actual disability due to faulty wiring in their brain. This is why many people with ADHD have a negative self image and are typically treated for depression due to that negative self image. If the person with ADHD gets support, through their community, family, school, job, meds, therapist and etc then that negative self image can be dismantled and the real issue is the ADHD, the depression was just a symptom.

    A simple thing I tell people when this is brought up to me is that; “Everyone goes to the bathroom a few times a day but if you are going 60 times a day we can all agree you should see a doctor about that.”

    It is a hard thing to treat, especially if you are undiagnosed until later in life, unwinding all the negativity around it in your life and dismantling all the unhealthy coping mechanisms is difficult the longer you live with it.

    What we are seeing now with ADHD, and related similar conditions, is not a sudden over diagnosis and prescription to treat it but that it has been vastly under diagnosed and untreated and we as a society are just catching up as we start to understand it more.

    Apologies, I didn’t mean to monologue at you as this wasn’t necessarily directed at you but you hit a piece of the much larger iceberg and it didn’t feel right to not expound on the topic holistically.

  • Excellent write up. I hear people ask about this all the time, why the USA defaulted towards SMS/MMS/iMessage when other parts of the world didn’t. It is not the case of now but the history of the technological development and saturation of the technology within the younger demographics that got us here naturally. We didn’t have to make a choice of which platform to migrate our friend/family groups too because we had enough of the functions we needed built into all of our phones along the last 30 years.

    It doesn’t come down to what is the best platform right now, it comes down to what was the best, and easiest, platform to get all my friends and family using when my country/region/friend group/etc got smartphones. There are large swaths of the world population where their technology exposure was landline>TV>Internet cafe>smartphone. Where the beginning of their online presence was through an Internet cafe and then very soon after (within years) they had a smart phone. In that model their first interaction with instant messaging was not phone to phone but computer to computer and they used messenger/instagram/whatsapp/wechat and etc and those social networks of friends migrated with them from the Internet cafe PC as the main point of access to a Smartphone as the main point of access.