rumors of them transferring Wagner units from Africa. Those guys have a chance to do the funniest thing ever
rumors of them transferring Wagner units from Africa. Those guys have a chance to do the funniest thing ever
tsargrad tv is a mouthpiece for konstantin malofeev, a fairly prominent oligarch with interests in telecommunications companies (among other things) and monarchist/orthodox christian politics. they even had alex jones on at one point.
That sounds based actually, we should do this to our own oligarchs next
this comment cured my russophobia i love my country o7
reposting this here
I don’t agree with all of them, but some are rly bad and seem intractable to me, especially for larger servers.
This is a good rundown on some of the issues
I hear there’s another neat website called google that lets you find the doi of a paper by its title
No, they both should remove the material basis that creates incentives for this kind of posting. but censoring the posts is easier so
I hear sci hub is a pretty cool website that lets you find a paper by its doi number
Doesn’t this sort of post go in the dunk tank?
yes, someone should make a list of modern roguelikes without meta progression
I dislike how nowadays slay the spire and its ilk is what people assume for the term deck builder instead of multiplayer (usually offline) games like ascension or puzzle strike or dominion
I wouldn’t mind if we had ru or ukr language communities on here either.
what about neocon, does anyone self id as that :|
It’s quite possible they did share, but the Russians thought they had it handled. Afaik there was a mirror situation in 2013 with the Boston bombings, Russian intelligence knew about the terrorists and tipped off the CIA but was largely disregarded.
Various propagandists have already blamed Ukraine, before the cops even cleared the building and did a body count nevermind apprehending any suspects. Sickening stuff tbh
When writing about Russia they may also be replaced with double Zs
my garage
Ryazanov didn’t die for this
How young is young? This sounds like a great idea, but I’m pushing 30yo and have never finished school or had proper steady employment. Wonder if that will be a deal breaker