Kaffe (cough-uh)

I’m a cup of coffee

New Afrikan

Read Walter Rodney!

  • 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I think it’s best for the whole piece to be taken in to discuss the current party ecosystem within the Anglo settler states, PSL is in the section on revisionist and Trot orgs as its structure and issues are similar to the CPUSA. USU views FRSO as a potentially better org at least ideologically, even though it is a “pre-party” formation rather than a true party like PSL.

    In my opinion, PSL has wealth that allows it, at least right now, to better serve organizers. However, the ideological development of the mass and leadership of the PSL is very lacking (and deeply Americanist), which is a crit you’ll see from myself and Chunka Luta Network members a lot (some are in PSL too). PSL has money to do things that FRSO just doesn’t right now since it is not a party organization at this time, so actions are coming out of the expenses of individuals. If FRSO’s ideological development had the resources of PSL and CPUSA the movement in the Imperial Core would be a lot more interesting.

  • I know you didn’t bring it up but the 90% thing is a myth. Rates were different for different outbreaks and many of the deaths chocked up to disease that contributed to the depopulation of Mesoamerica and the Gulf region (now US South) was due to mass slavery by the Spanish and Portuguese who were destroying villages and capturing slaves to work them to death mining silver and gold for a 7 year life expectancy in captivity.

    Certainly some communities were hit extra hard by outbreaks, whole villages wiped out like the one the Mayflower colonists would inhabit with homes and food stores ready-made by the deceased.

    However disease was consistently the largest killer during wars in the Colonial period. Outbreaks would kill half the population in the aftermath of wars throughout pre US and US history like that in the north east during the 1776 events and those in Oregon country right after Plateau wars in the 1850s and 60s.

    Being displaced from sources of medicine, being displaced from clean water and food, losing elder knowledge keepers to the diseases, those elders were also more likely to be killed in a Conquistador’s raid. There are many compounding reasons why disease was so rampant and deaths due to war usually came in the form of disease, for instance, some estimates put half the deaths in WW2 to disease and famine.

  • It doesn’t, sorta? Jong-un has an older brother who is not in politics. Jong-un was selected because he formulated a state-building ideology around how his grandfather and father operated the state and their wins and misses, anyone could have done that but he was the one who did the work and became leader of the party. As I understand Jong-un was also the leader for the nuclear program as an officer in the military and this has basically earned him immense respect in the DPRK.

    Jong-un is the leader of the worker’s party and the leader of the military, he’s actually serving two functions that could be occupied by different people, both are appointed positions though iirc leader of the military (president) has to also be elected on in a confidence vote with the masses.

    Jong-un is not the leader of the legislative body, that role is selected by the legislative body (which is elected locally like a congress). The current VP of state (2nd in line) is also the appointed chair of the legislature. The legislature is the highest organ of state, though the president is the highest ranking individual.

    This is not dissimilar to how other ML states have been run. It’s often that the next leader is the most advanced Communist (whether that’s theoretically or organizationally though you need both). Deng was educated and shaped into the successor of Mao by Mao himself. Lenin had also trained Stalin among others. Xi similarly was such an advanced theoretician and organizer that he also earned his way to the top. It’s not surprising that Il-sung and Jong-il had both trained their children to be advanced communists, though it’s clear that not all of their kids wanted and worked to become leaders. So I’d say it’s mostly coincidence, the “fixed” aspects are being the child of the leader you are being raised by the most advanced Communist in the nation, that’s certainly an educational advantage, still Jong-un’s older brother is apparently just a random musician (according to an exiled statesman).

  • They all exist btw, very few communities have been killed to extinction, many groups are mergers of survivors.

    There are still Taino in Cuba and Haiti.

    “Latin Culture” isn’t really a real thing either, those are settler cultures and most of the stocking of whiteness in those countries are recent (circa 1900) immigrants from central Europe, same as the US/CA and “Anglo culture”.

    Latin and Anglo culture are going to be mostly dismantled where they are not useful (as current common languages).

    The Indigenous populations in South America in particular are very large, the settler populations have been, up until very recently with cow farming, concentrated heavily in metro centers. Many times they are outnumbered.

    Land Back first and foremost, the settler cities will have to accommodate into a society built around Indigenous sovereignty. (Accomodate is used here similarly to biology. Intrinsic traits vs Accomodative traits, i.e. if a dog has a small snout, the teeth and jaw stay small to accommodate the size of the snout)

  • And this ain’t the first time, Roderick’s a bit terminally online, arguing against other based progressive like JT (Second Thought) and Michael Hudson…

    Why shouldn’t he? Hudson’s following reproduces Industrial Capitalist apologia in the same way that fed Social Chauvinism in Europe prior to WW1 (and during the height of Imperialism’s African carve). I can see the consequences of Hudson in the patsoc space. Second Thought’s video on MMT was uncritical and like Hudson reproduces petty booj cope about “the economy” and reform.

    Hudson and ST are Marxist educators, they should be criticized so that their performance at that role can improve. If we are giving these people a living as revolutionary educators, shouldn’t they be held to the highest standards?

    The western left has a deep cultural lack of seriousness (I wonder why that is?). Memes and jokes are fine but bigotry and anti-intellectualism shouldn’t be passed off as jokes to avoid criticism.