Rashav3rak [he/him, any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • To me, Biden seemed certain to lose, while with Kamala it could go either way. In no way is she a worse candidate than Biden. I think we should all be deeply invested in Kamala winning the election. Not because I want to see Trump lose, though I do. Not because I want to see Kamala win, which I don’t really. What I want, what I think we all want, is to see Hillary Clinton looking on as another woman becomes the first woman president. Not just that, I want to see Kamala win easily, just to make it clear to Hillary that she, personally, was the problem in 2016. No one thinks Kamala is an impressive candidate, so if her mediocre ass beats Trump with a comfortable margin, it’ll more or less settle the argument as to who was responsible for Trump’s victory.

    To be clear, I haven’t lost sight of the fact that a Harris presidency would basically just be the Biden presidency with more awkward laughter. We’re not going to get a good president this time around, or maybe ever. I’m aware that I’m doing something similar to the republican rank-and-file who know their candidates won’t do anything to help them, but will at least make the people they don’t like suffer. We should all be protesting, agitating, and organizing for something better, but with the understanding that organizing is almost certainly not getting us a better candidate this cycle, let’s try and find joy where we can. In this case, in schadenfreude.

  • I got to do this once. I look like the type a prosecutor would probably want on a jury and I wasn’t individually asked any questions before being chosen. The case was a non-violent drug offense and it was a wild experience for reasons I won’t get into. Once we got in the jury room it pretty much went like:

    “Not guilty.”

    “Why not guilty? It’s a pretty clear cut case.”

    “I don’t believe the cops.”

    “Why don’t you believe the cops?”

    “I didn’t find their testimony credible. It didn’t convince me beyond a reasonable doubt.”

    “What about the body cam footage? Do you believe that?”

    “I didn’t find it convincing.”

    “The whole thing is on camera, do you think they faked it all?”

    “I suppose that’s a possibility. I just haven’t seen enough evidence to convict.”

    “What more evidence could you need?”

    “More than this. I’m not convinced beyond a reasonable doubt.”

    And around and around we went like that. I was the lone holdout. I have to say, the other jurors were pretty cool about it. Eventually we had to tell the judge we couldn’t reach a verdict on any of the charges and it was declared a mistrial. Totally worth it.