Red_Eclipse [she/her]

baby socialist, reformed lib, still learning

Avatar description: glitched out Pluto but red

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • Yeah my dad is quite the chud too. I still love him though, but it’s hard to connect with someone who doesn’t live in the same plane of reality as you. With the fascists he gets his news from, they always start with a grain of truth. So at least we were both able to talk shit about the military industrial complex the other day. But for him, he thinks it’s just a matter of voting in the right guy to “drain the swamp” and make things “constitutional” again. For me, as a straight up communist, I don’t even think our settler colonial genocidal slave state even has a right to exist. But I think he’d have a shit fit if he knew I was actually communist lol.

    It’s really sad because I can see the ways his programming has harmed himself and our family, and mostly himself, but I don’t know if he’ll ever be able to see that.

  • dean-smile I always feel that we should leave the door open just in case some of their users are based, or can be convinced, just like I was convinced.

    I was a Reddit lurker escaping to Lemmy and was already anticapitalist but just had a bunch of brainworms left. I didn’t trust the “red fash tankies” based on all the yeonmi-park stuff that’s everywhere. But scrolling around lemmygrad and hexbear for a while had me scratching my head and wondering what all the fuss is about. Clearly you guys are NOT some kind of weird crypto fash thing but are actually very educated with sound analysis of history and politics. So if there are more people like me who are curious, then we should leave the door open.

    Of course, if it becomes untenable (like how shitjustworks went full nazi bar) then we shouldn’t bother exposing our comrades to bigoted harrassment. Yes, it seems like the admin(s) are libs, but a piracy-based instance is always gonna have some anticapitalist lean, so it’s less likely for dbzer0 to go full nazi bar.