Red_Scare [he/him]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2020


  • she is literally responding to people today, in the context of modern Ukraine’s avowed Nazism

    no? the post is about WW2 and they end it with “None of this relates to current geopolitical issues”

    Ukrainian superstate, and not a breakdown of its nations

    There’s Ukraine, and there’s “Ukraine”.

    what are you smoking mate? no there’s just Ukraine.

    regions of Ukraine speaking Russian language to different extent doesn’t mean Ukraine is made up of several nations

    are parts of Ireland where English is mainly spoken actually England to you?

    But now you’re guilty of the same omission. Where is your mention of the Banderites etc.?

    Existence of Banderites is irrelevant to the question of whether Ukraine as a whole can be considered a victim of Nazi Germany.

    10 million Ukrainians were killed by Nazis, 2.5 millions were enslaved, 5 million served in the Red Army. Compare that to ~200 thousand or so Wehrmacht collaborators.

    Don’t let neonazis rewrite history.

  • Here they seem to conflate the Red Army with Russians which is deeply ignorant and ahistorical:

    Many people have asked me why I sound like I admire the Red Army. Well, why wouldn’t I admire the Red Army? 90% of world Jewry wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for the sacrifices they made! More Russians died in the defense of Stalingrad than the total British and American deaths combined for the entire war!

    While Ukrainians, Latvians, Romanians, Lithuanians, etc., were enthusiastic about serving their German masters and rounding up Jews, it was the Red Army that, at great cost to themselves, defeated this Nazi evil.

    Russians only constituted 2/3 of the Red Army, which also included millions of Ukrainians, hundreds of thousands of Balts, and plenty of other nationalities:

    Just as there were Russians, Belarrussians, and other Soviets eagerly serving Nazis:

    (Edit) Another pearl from them, addressing Ukraine as a whole:

    Let me make this clear: You were not victims of the Third Reich. You did not suffer just as Jews or Soviet POWs. You pledged allegiance to Hitler and were the perpetrators in mass genocides! And we will not let you rewrite history and play as if you were the victims!

    This is asinine. Nazis viewed Ukrainians as subhumans only fit for slavery and extermination. Vast majority of Ostarbeiters, slaves sent to Nazi Germany from Eastern Europe, were Ukrainians, millions of them. Millions more were killed, Ukraine losses were immense.

    Ukraine is one of the primary victims of the Third Reich, along with Belarussia.

  • Ok so then what about this?

    Literally everything Eastern Europe has to do is to stop praising, supporting and building monuments for fucking nazis and be normal, really hard part for a lot of them.

    Does that ring true to you or is there more to it than Eastern Europeans being abnormal?

    Is being normal really “everything Eastern Europe has to do”, or are there maybe some changes needed in the west for that normality to happen?

  • Sorry for the double reply but:

    all Ukraine had to do was be normal.

    it wasn’t my intent to speak ill of the Ukrainian people,

    Yeah it was, you just refuse to understand why your sincere opinion was deeply ignorant and offensive.

    just the puppet government currently in charge

    I just wish Zelensky would have the guts

    Do you even know what a puppet is? Also, WHO’S FUCKING PUPPET?

    Literally the only thing Ukraine needs to “be normal” is YANKS FUCKING OFF

  • How did it get there?

    Who kept financing far right and nationalist movements, first amongst émigrés and then as soon as the iron curtain fell amongst soviet people?

    Who made up all the anti-communist propaganda, turned natural disasters into genocides, financed “education” programs, “museums” like the occupation museum on Tbilisi, etc?

    Who enforced neoliberal policies, shock therapy, etc?

    Soviet people voted against dissolution of the USSR but comprador politicians ignored that, then Russian people were going to elect Zyuganov but US soft-couped him and stole the election for Yeltsin.

    Who fucking financed Maidan and organised a coup? There’s literally a recording of Nuland deciding which politician gets what position in Ukrainian govt.

    Then Ukrainian people elected Zelensky to make a deal with Russia which he tried to do, what happened to that?

    And then “”““leftist””“” yanks will bumble around asking "why can’t those Eastern Europeans just be normal like the rest of the world?

    Fuck right off, all of you.

  • You’re just repeating the same ignorant thing again and the rest of fucking yanks upvoting you like a bunch of clapping seals.

    Ukrainian people elected Zelensky on the mandate of making a deal with Russia which he tried to do but you fucks blocked it repeatedly.

    But you’re so ignorant you’ll just say “I don’t know how this works and why Ukraine went along with it” so of course from your brain-dead perspective “all Ukraine had to do was to be normal”.

    Also fuck off with constantly repeating “our country” like I’m supposed to know where you’re from, people outside Amerikkka fucking exist, exceptionalism pouring out your every sentence.