Interested in sewing, gardening and preserving, with a strong focus on sustainability.


  • 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Why do zucchini have to be so scratchy? I’ve just been out trimming and tying up my plants and have scratches all over my arms. They are being quite prolific though, I have a load of slices in the dehydrator to grind for flour and took 8 up to the local food cupboard. The button squash have not grown so well, but it looks like I miight have one soon. Better than nothing I guess.

    I have also harvested my first beans of the season - only four today, but I suspect I will be swamped soon. The climbing beans are paticularly rampant this year, so once they start producing I will definitely have more than I can handle. The tomatoes are still not ripening, but I have a lot of green fruit and flowers. I guess it just needs to hit the right temperature for them, and then I am going to be overrun with those too.

    I am extra excited that I have some capsicum fruits, I’ve never had much success with those before. The same with the eggplant, they have lots of flowers which will hopefully become fruit, something I’ve never managed before.

    I don’t think I’ll be getting any loofahs this year - the vine is alive, but has been growing so slowly I don’t think it will get big enough to produce anything. Not sure why, the pumpkin nearby is going really strongly (although my plans to grow it onto the top of the shed are not going to work out as the leaves that get that high are being eaten, presumably by possums). Another pumpkin variety in the front yard is now growing onto the roof of the carport, leaving the lattice on the side of the carport for the sweet potatoes which are growing very strongly, and hopefully forming lots of nice tubers under the ground for me.

    Surprisingly I have some wombok growing really well in spite of the number of cabbage moths around this year - I’m not sure how long it takes to form the heart, but it is definitely starting to form.

  • I am still waiting on any tomatoes to ripen. I keep seeing other people posting about the tomatoes they are picking, but I think I’m still weeks off any ripe ones here. There are a lot of flowers, as well as fruit starting to develop, so when it does get there I think I might be a bit overrun! It will be nice if I am, I can donate excess to a local food cupboard so it won’t go to waste. I’ve also planted a row of mixed cherry tomatoes along the front fence to allow people to pick there own on the way past.

    My raspberries have mostly finished round 1, but I keep finding occassional stray berries still. I need to make more bags to protect the fruit before round 2.

  • The vegies have all been enjoying the Melbourne weather this week. There are lots of tomato flowers and a few small fruit starting to form. I also have flowers on the capsicum and chili. Zucchinis are in plentiful supply, the button squash has put on a growth spurt, and the pumpkins are starting to spread out as well. The cucumber plants are still struggling along, I lost all the earliest plantings to snails, and the ones I have managed to keep alive are not growing paticularly strongly.

    For some reason the beans are not enjoying the raised planter beds. The climbing beans I put in the ground at the same time are much more advanced, and the dwarf beans in the raised beds just aren’t growing strongly at all. The brassicas and tomatoes in the raised beds are all doing well, it seems to just be the beans that are having issues.

    The citrus trees I planted are putting on some new growth - I bought some very ratty small cuttings and was not sure how well they would go, but they seem to be thriving. I was originally going to buy more advanced plants but could not find the right varieties, so decided to take a risk on these rather than wait until next year to plant. It also means I spent less on the four varieties I planted than I would have on one slightly more advanced tree.

  • Good work Seabot, your assistance is greatly appreciated.

    I have fixed some of bot’s problems while creating a few others🤦‍♀️ Hopefully we will be back to autoposting soon, and also hopefully I’m learning enough as I go along to make a more stable bot in future. This programming gig is very complicated. I feel like I’m trying to learn to be a mechanic when I don’t even know what a road is, let alone a car 🤣

  • There were initially issues with logging in, but I got that sorted out. IIt’s now giving an error message when trying to connect to the individual communities, so something may have changed there. None of the other community bots seem to have posted daily threads today, so I guess it’s not just my dodgy bot having issues with the change. The last major upgrade to Lemmy made some API changes that broke a lot of things, so it is definitely possible they have done the same again.

    I was hoping to get some working code for the post sorted out today (based on working code from other communities) and then work on the cron stuff to trigger it (standby for questions regarding that, I am likely to have some!). But it is likely to take longer if everyone’s bots are having the same issue.