Barracudas are SMR garbage nowadays, they’re coasting on their reputation of many years ago when they were actually decent hard drives for the price.
Barracudas are SMR garbage nowadays, they’re coasting on their reputation of many years ago when they were actually decent hard drives for the price.
Those look like real life windows media player skins from the early 2000s.
I like user respecting operating systems, that is the deal breaker.
If you insert snap into apt package management, so that you can go behind the user’s back, re-enable snap and install a snap anyway if a user tries to apt install firefox
, you don’t respect the user’s choice. It’s the kind of thing we give Microsoft shit for.
And yes I know it can be worked around and disabled and whatnot by jumping through various hoops, but that’s beside the point. As a matter of principle, I will just use something that doesn’t do this. KDE on Debian works just as well as Kubuntu anyway.
How can it suck the least if it has snap?
TIL Match Group = The Bene Gesserit
Do you have one for being terminally lazy and the world’s wost procrastinator?
I would assume state actors have the ability to read out your storage without needing the USB port. Even hardware security chips like secure enclave or TPM I consider to be likely compromised/backdoored by state actors.
Wouldn’t they just immediately realize you’ve only given them the duress password?
Also, they will have imaged the phone already before attempting to unlock it, so the “delete all data” feature would be pretty pointless.
So this is basically the $5 wrench attack, but by the government
It is aligned for the southern hemisphere as well, just with winter and summer reversed.
And then your computer starts making angry co-pilot noises
Everything else is hosted on other’s servers
You can self-host bitwarden with vaultwarden.
This is why I boycott Logitech
You should boycott Microsoft instead. As you say, they’re the ones permitting it.
Hegemonic powers
You can just say Russia you know. And yes, we know Russia doesn’t care about de jure arguments, they only understand power and violence. De-jure arguments are just a tool to them to give talking points to useful idiots in the West, in order to sow division and weaken us.
Political Realism
The question really is: do we accept a world where a third-rate regional power gets to trample all over its neighbors, using unimaginable violence and cruelty if those neighbors refuse to act as submissive client states?
From a moral and legal point of view, it’s a no-brainer to argue that we should not accept this, but even from your a-moral “real politik” point of view we should not accept it either because it goes squarely against our own interests to let a rogue state Russia regain its former superpower status by conquering major client states. Europe and the US are much stronger than Russia, so even your Political Realism dictates that we should help Ukraine defeat Russian aggression.
So yeah, there is no world in which “bUt UkRaInE pRoVoKeD RuSsIa” is a valid argument. If you think there is, you can burn in hell with Kissinger for all I care.
It basically comes down to this: being a sovereign nation means being allowed to choose your own alliances.
Calling it a “provocation” is denying Ukraine sovereignty over their own country.
The RPIs are moving to nvme too, though indeed a bit slower than desktop machines. My virtual machines use /dev/vdx, and I don’t typically connect USB drives to my virtual machines with the intent to flash them :)
Well, try not to shred too many SATA SSDs then until you get there 🤡
Here’s the thing: your answer is both invalidating and ignorant, and it shows a lack of understanding of what differentiates Arch from a stable distro.
None of these issues were a fault of my own, all I did was pacman -Syu
, and none of this would happen on a stable distro. I’m not saying Arch is shit because of this, I’m saying: beware of what you are getting into when you choose Arch: for every single package on your system, you are effectively at the mercy of whatever “upstream” decides to shit out that week. Being delusional about that fact and having guys come crawling out of the woodworks everytime this is mentioned, saying platitudes like: “I nEvEr HaD aN iSsUe” doesn’t help anyone.
Born in the 70s here. I do remember LGB without the T in the 1990s and early 2000s, you probably were too young to pick up on the term. In any case, trans rights came into the spotlight much later than LGB rights.