• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Ate out with the wife tonight, and got an unexpected political back-to-back: the restaurant had CNN playing on one end of my field of view, and Fox on the other.

    CNN reported on all kinds of shit. Every time I looked up, different topic. They went back to the upcoming debate and the Gaza genocide a couple times, but otherwise just an even spread of unfolding events.

    Fox spent most of the time talking about how left wing media will spin the debate to make Trump look like an extremist; and then a few small snips about how illegal immigrants are terrorizing our society and getting our youth hooked on fentanyl. They even managed to bitch about Hillary lol, although I missed the context… assuming they’re still rambling about emails.

    People who watch Fox must be terrified and angry like all the time lol.

  • Not to mention death / trauma to the mothers. The single most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen was being called in to do a c-section on a women who needed an abortion and never got one. We extracted a dead, partially decomposed baby from this woman’s abdomen. This was almost a decade ago and that shit still haunts me. It’ll haunt the mother for the rest of her life.

    This was before women lost their reproductive rights with Roe v Wade, so idk why she never got one initially. Might have been a religious thing?

    When we lost Roe v Wade, one of my immediate concerns was that we’d see an explosion of these types of cases across the country.

    GOP legislation is straight up evil.

  • When did I say I was furious? Or that I couldn’t come to grips with the mechanics? Or that I couldn’t treat the game as it is? I adapted to ER just fine, and made it to the Malenia fight waiting for the game to rise up to bar the community holds it at. I ‘got gud’, but the game never actually got fun, cuz it never stopped being clunky.

    If you find satisfaction in managing the clunk, more power to ya - clunk away. But it’s not my cup of tea.

    Idk why folks get so defensive for that game… just in this thread, we’ve post after post getting all heated about how it’s not clunky because [describes how or why it’s clunky]. It’d be like the Minecraft community getting up in flames if I said I didn’t like it because it’s pixelated, and jumping to the defense of their infallible title against such heresy, explaining how it’s not pixelated, the aesthetic was chosen on purpose and carefully made that way!! …vs just advising against playing games that look like Minescraft… because it’s pixelated.

    enjoy missing out on the nier titles, the devil may cry series, every fable game, kingdom hearts, the whole god of war franchise, asura’s wrath, and the new final fantasies

    Yeah none of those are really on my radar. Fable maybe, for nostalgia sake - played the hell out of the first one when I was in highschool, but haven’t touched the franchise since. I don’t recall getting the impression that it was clunky in the way ER is, but definitely so in other ways… though I wouldn’t hold a game from 2004 up to today’s standards; the entire industry was janky as fuck then.

    The rules will not change just because you refuse to learn them.

    Bruh that’s what mods are for, hence my first post here. Don’t like something about a game? Change it. Idk if there’s one that can mod the clunk out of ER, but if I get the itch to revisit that world via a more fluid combat experience, then that’ll be high on the to-do list.