I swear I’m not Jessica

  • 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Where do I say that market economies are unique to capitalism? Markets always exist at some level and are at the core of feudalism as well; capitalism just provides stability from having to defend you business with personal soldiers. The state provides protection, and like I said, it is the main advancement(not the only one).

    Of course it didn’t bring down divine right. It originated from divine right empires that became more powerful than the lords.

  • The problem with accelerationism, and many Marxists really, is that capitalism is only the current manifestation of the power amassing system that’s existed for far longer. The last paragraph makes fun of the idea that ending capitalism is somehow a win.

    The current capitalist system is not as invincible as people assume, but the will to power in our global society is. If capitalism(empires) ended, feudalism(local warlords) easily take its place. Only global democracy, the redistribution and decentralization of power on a universal scale, can actually end the system.

    I’m a proponent of a global government that every person has an equal say in personally, as I think we need some organized system logistically. It’s anarchistic in the sense of opposing hierarchy, but it’s also a global government. I’m not even sure if it would necessitate a true state, as every person would have the duty of limiting power accumulation and ensuring every other person has enough. Honestly, the League of Nations idea is kind of the root of it, except it would be explicitly opposed to imperialism and capitalism.

    Hierarchy is natural to life because life simply favors what works. If one lifeform benefits from a strategy, it gets pushed as far as it can until it no longer provides benefit. This can also work against hierarchy, as if maintaining hierarchy ends up costing more than it benefits, it gets toned back until it reaches equilibrium. We are out of equilibrium as a species, mostly thanks to our individual actions favoring short term power grabs. The global government would be about working towards that equilibrium quicker than through blind and bloody evolution.

  • Homie was a film school nerd who took a gamble that paid off. People that ONLY want to make money don’t take such huge risks or put so much pretentious thought into pulp. He made it to make a ton of money because it literally couldn’t happen any other way. How else do you get rich people to invest that much money?

  • Ffs, of course it is! The wins they do have were all done for self-serving reasons. They occasionally stumble onto the right side of international conflicts, just like America. They sometimes enact effective policies that America doesn’t, but they often cause pain and death that no one can complain about. It’s an authoritarian empire; of course it’s awful!

  • This is mostly true for nationalistic American liberals. China is the opposing empire to America, while many see Japan as this “country uplifted by America.” This attitude isn’t new and isn’t consciously held by most people that parrot it. Most don’t know any better and many would accept the nuances if presented respectfully.

    Empires occasionally do good when it serves their interests, while every country has serious issues they need to deal with. You can still oppose authoritarians or be a weeb without needing to ignore reality.