Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Hanlon’s Razor and all that, but I just assume that’s to drive up interaction in the post.

    Rant/ramble ahead, you can skip:

    By misspelling something, or just doing/saying something that common sense should say is wrong (“life hack, I just discovered this thing that literally every 5 year old already knows about”) you will draw out all the people who are genuinely trying to help, people who just can’t help themselves but smugly correct someone, people who THINK they know the right way but aren’t sure, people who claim to have never seen the right way before, and all the bitch fights such comments produce.

    The increased interactions make the post do better in algorithms, which means it goes out to more and more people, who continue the cycle.

    My wife watches short form endless scrolling videos despite knowing how bad those are for your mental health, and some of the people she stops to watch are CONSTANTLY pulling the “common sense says otherwise” one. Like my dude you did NOT just figure out in your 20s that you can wait for the shower to warm up before you get in. Literal toddlers know better. It’s such a simple thing, I genuinely do not believe anyone in their 20s just gets in the shower while the water is still cold because they never figured out they can wait for the warm water. But hoooo boy did their video take off and have millions of views, and thousands of comments about how wild that is.

  • Of course you have absolutely no way to know this, but comparing it to a murdered puppy is just about the worst thing to do today of all days, so that is just about as unappealing as it could possibly be to me. (family pet was put down and the person who took her to the vet didn’t tell anyone else it was happening today)

    The only other episode, I think, that could top the emotional feels for me anyway, is the episode in S05E06, The Shrine.

    Losing my memory and intellect is a huge fear of mine, and my grandfather was starting to show signs of alzheimers for years before he died. So not only is it stabbing at a fear of mine, it also pokes that “it’s someone YOU’VE SEEN BEFORE so it’s RELATABLE” feeling.

    I like to think of myself as kind of like McKay. Even the arrogance, unfortunately, although I like to think I improved upon that since my 20s… Maybe nowhere near as smart, obviously, but the personality traits and such. And his difficulties he has getting close to people, the emotions he conveys when talking to/about Dr. Keller, it’s just all a big woefully well woven tapestry of perfectly crafted shit storm that doesn’t just on my heartstrings. It straight up snaps them.

    “my name is MISTER Rodney McKay”

    “come on, You’re DOCTOR Rodney McKay. Remember?”

    “No, I’m not anymore… I’m not smart anymore and doctors are smart… I’m mister now.”

    I can’t even make it to the opening theme.

    I told my wife when we get to “a certain episode”, I’m gonna go do something else. She has to watch it because it’s an important episode, but I can’t watch it with her.

  • I can semi watch shows I have seen before while at work (can’t focus on a new show, but if I already know what’s going on it’s nice to have going) and when I got to this episode, I had to skip it.

    I knew there was no way I could keep it together that day, not with that episode.

    I can’t even imagine the guilt Rodney must have felt daily.

    “I should’ve just gone fishing with him…”