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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • It was the first time any modern president has admitted that the elites of the party are the millionaires (and billionaires) who fund it, which gives them extraordinary political power — perhaps enough to push Biden out of the race.

    In truth, the Democratic Party is little more than a national fundraising machine, as is the GOP.

    Ding ding ding ding ding.

    Political parties are poison to democracy… and our two-party system is nothing more or less than cancer of democracy.

    And why do any of these problems exist at all? Capitalism, and the millionaires and billionaires that such a system enables.

  • Coalitions are literally the primary way the rest of the world avoids devolving into the US’s corrupt two-party system. It’s proven quite effective.

    If that could be combined with RCV in more countries (or US states), then it could far more strongly prevent the consolidation of political parties and return more power to the people themselves.

  • I had to read that a couple of times before I understood what you are trying to say. At first glance, it seemed like you were calling democracy itself bourgeois, but I think you meant it as a specific thing that isn’t actual democracy… e.g. it’s an illusion of democracy because capitalism gives the wealthy the ability to steer the whole ship, as it were. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

  • I haven’t encountered an English translation that didn’t have significant issues. Even well-meaning editions lose a lot in translation. There has long been a stigmatic fear of “changing the meaning” of scripture, which results in a dogmatic use of formal equivalence. The problem with that approach is that language doesn’t work like that, so a translation that is annotatively correct will always be deeply connotatively incorrect.

    WEB is one of the better ones - like a Young’s Literal but more readable - but even it falls victim to its own formal equivalence. I strongly recommend taking some courses on Koine and reading the original texts. If you want to read Hebrew texts (such as the Dead Sea scrolls), you can see if your local Jewish temple or community offers Hebrew classes (usually very inexpensive). There are lots of handy interactive interlinear tools available as well.