Hmm, that’s weird. Maybe it’s already on your toolbar? For me it’s a little head silouette, although I imagine it might also be your Mozilla Account avatar?
Hmm, that’s weird. Maybe it’s already on your toolbar? For me it’s a little head silouette, although I imagine it might also be your Mozilla Account avatar?
Oh no worries, I have used XMPP (though admittedly in the far past) and am on Matrix as we speak.
I did give them a try in Nightly (but I’m on release for regular use), but I do have a button there on my toolbar. You could try right-clicking on the toolbar, selecting “Customise Toolbar…”, and then adding the Account button. Unfortunately, it’s still in another menu under the Account button, so I think it might not even save you a click. Maybe something to suggest on Mozilla Connect?
Trump is the best thing to ever happen to news networks
Or to single-letter social network sites.
Have you used the new Profiles on Nightly as well? They look pretty neat! I might actually start using them myself.
I think you’re right that we are going in circles now, so let’s end it here :) Thanks for the discussion!
Re: “Signal technically cannot know your social graph” (…)
I would go into the specific points, but really none of this invalidates my main point that Signal is a marked step forward, seems to be having some success, and that undermining that success is therefore misguided. Heck, Signal might be a stepping stone to people using whatever decentralised system you prefer! I was around in WhatsApp’s early days, and never adopted it, because the picture was never as rosy as Signal’s. Of course, it did become significantly worse when Facebook acquired it, but that happens to be exactly the thing that can’t easily happen to Signal.
I will say that I agree that nothing is eternal, but that’s no reason to encourage people to stay on WhatsApp (which is what disparaging Signal use will actually achieve).
No, in a decentralized system, (…) you can be your own service provider
My point was that you’ll be communicating with people each of whom chose their own service poviders, and thus you’re also trusting those.
And looks like it’s been fixed :)
Ads are one thing, but this seems excessive and probably unintentional. Looks like someone just filed this bug, which is another sign that it might be an unintentional problem: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1944704
Hier nog wat tips voor als je overstapt, met bijv. een afbeelding die je kan gebruiken voor je Stories om aan te kondigen dat je overstapt.
On-topic: ik ben even ziek geweest (griepje wss), maar gelukkig weer aan de betere hand :)
Signal can update the client to reveal your social graph, sure, but right now, Signal technically cannot know your social graph. And there’s two additional layers that make that more likely, which is incentives: being a non-profit, they have no shareholders that would push them to try to look into them, and their primary selling point being privacy, they also have more to lose by doing so. Neither of those apply to WhatsApp. Oh, and a third one: they’d have been in contempt of court, which specifically requested access to such data, and Signal did not provide it because they were not able to.
(I will also say that, in a decentralised communication system, you are reliant on every party you communicate with, and the tools they use, to not expose such data about you either. It’s not a panacea.)
Again, it my not be as big a step forward as you’d like, but it’s utterly ridiculous to claim that this is not a way forward.
And given that it’s not unlikely that larger steps forward may not be possible at all, or would be reliant on us collectively taking smaller steps forward first, I would definitely reconsider putting active effort into discouraging Signal use. Especially if you’re not putting at least a multitude more effort into discouraging use of the incumbents.
Lekker bezig! SMS en bellen is waarschijnlijk ook nog altijd een optie :)
Heh, da’s bij mij ook, maar in mijn geval is dat omdat vrijwel iedereen die dicht bij me staat het al heeft :P
Signal heeft geen investeerders (en kan als non-profit geen winst uitkeren).
Maar inderdaad, ze hebben wel geld nodig, dus donaties zijn geen slecht idee.
any valid criticism against WhatsApp can be identically transposed to Signal
There’s plenty of criticism that only applies to WhatsApp:
I’m not against XMPP, Matrix, or whatever, but let’s not pretend that Signal is not a significant improvement, and one that actually has a shot at success here.
Ja, afhankelijk van de offers die je zelf wil brengen is het iig geïnstalleerd hebben, zodat mensen die er wel om geven je iig via Signal kunnen bereiken, al een prima stap.
Merk je wel ook dat de laatste tijd er wel opeens weer meerdere mensen Signal nemen? (Als je de notificaties daarvoor aan hebt staan: Settings -> Notifications -> Notify when… Contact joins Signal.)
Ik ben met reddit gestopt, maar eigenlijk los van Lemmy. Was eigenlijk wel prima om daar minder tijd te besteden.
In die zin is het ook een beetje een voordeel dat Lemmy kleiner is; eigenlijk kijk ik daar één keer per dag, en dan is het prima. Als ik het onverhoopt nog een keer open, dan ben ik er zo weer weg, omdat ik het al heb gezien.