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Joined 21 days ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024


  • What happened with Hillary is that idiots decided to vote third party for a planted candidate and fucked everything up. Dividing progressive votes means a loss for progressives in every case. You will be part of the problem when Trump gets reelected and dismantles democracy. That will be the end of voting and the reemergence of mass suffrage. Oh and I forgot, climate change will continue to get worse and people will start getting sick because Trump has already promised to end climate/pollution regulations. Equal rights will be stripped and slavery will be brought back even for white people because, chances are, minimum wage will be wiped out. This dude plans to do so much damage if/when he gets back in office.

  • Yes I do feel it’s necessary, but I’m someone who’s coming from being “well-endowed”. I live with the literal weight of my birth gender. That plus having people say she/her because I sound like a girl when I’m a gamer and streamer is a constant reminder of it. It weighs on me and I can’t help feeling like I need to push for that change. It’s a need, not a want for me. For me, the surgeries would make a major difference in how I feel mentally and physically. Imagine being a cis-man with a feminine voice and excessively large man boobs. Would you want to have that corrected or would you put up with it? That’s what it’s like.

    (If it didn’t come through, part of this is light hearted)

  • Scientists are doing research into why we feel this way and are actually discovering connections from birth, but I don’t know that much about it yet so I’ll leave those explanations to others who have read the study. For now, here’s my experience with it.

    For me, I’ve hated my body and how I’ve looked since I was in high school. I grew up being brainwashed by old movies and tv shows that separated sexes and that made it seem like I had to try to be feminine and to look pretty at all times and try to fit the gender norms. I hated everything about being female and I’ve tried everything to love myself as AFAB, but none of it worked. I’m 32 and the years since I entered high school have been rough and have put me through so much depression, suicidal tendencies, and panic attacks. I only decided last year that I’m finally taking that step that I hinted at in high school. I like things made for guys and I prefer to hang with guys and I’ve always leaned in that direction and have been called a tomboy many times. I’ve never fit in with women or felt any real connection to being female. I feel so much better already just with the hair and the changes in my thinking and I haven’t gotten my surgeries yet. It was crazy the difference just switching to seeing myself as male has made on my mental well being. I actually smile when I see myself in the mirror now.

  • I haven’t talked to a doctor about it, but I’ve already been told I have heart murmurs by my primary doctor. I’d prefer not to take a risk that could make heart disease and heart problems more likely for me. My mom already struggles with heart related issues and I’d prefer not taking that risk after seeing what she goes through. I’m settled on not taking it for those reasons. I appreciate the concern though.

    Thank you so much for the advice! I’ll make a note of it for my surgeries. The advice should be helpful for both ^^