• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Just chilling outside is an underrated activity.

    Over the past several years I put a privacy fence around the back yard and built a nice koi pond to sit next to. Sitting there, because of course I have a sittin’ chair now like an old man, is both relaxing on its own and is a great time to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of modern life (even Lemmy!). I often leave my phone in the house, but even when I have it with me it’s become easier to ignore.

    For those of us lucky to have the big three mental health issues, it’s a nice self-care treatment for anxiety and depression, and an opportunity to practice controlling my attention. But it’s in addition to my medications, not a replacement for them.

    But obviously it’s not the solution for everybody, and not even possible for everybody either. But just getting outside to some natural sights and sounds is what really matters. I’m sure it’s even better if exercise is involved (hiking, etc) but I have legit issues with both heat and sun so I keep my oasis close to my air conditioned home.

  • Yeah, at least they’re sticking to their ideals and their suggestion would help the environment. But as you pointed out, it just won’t/can’t happen in much of the US.

    In fact, I just recently went on a road trip from Pennsylvania to Tennessee that took me through parts of West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky. I can’t think of any places I saw where public transportation would be feasible. Maybe long-distance trains to augment air travel as an option, but nothing last-mile.

    I saw more signs about reasons god might send me to hell, or how Trump is awesome, than any form of public transit. Even buses. Because I saw zero of any of it.