or find a way to link him to the UNRWA, which they already managed to drag down
Developer by day, gamer by night!
🖥️ Stack: #NodeJS #Flutter #Go
🐧Linux: Currently on #Fedora
🎮️ Games: #ApexLegends and #Chess
Fun fact: Built my own custom keyboard, which sometimes doesn’t work and hangs, but hey… it still adds to the charm, right 😂
or find a way to link him to the UNRWA, which they already managed to drag down
When I was a child, they reminded me of grapes, but tasted salty… which is why I hated them
As a non english-native… the title confused the hell out of me… had to read it like 5 times and still makes no sense
I love Ahnestly’s channel when it comes to chairs. helped me pick my steelcase gesture
can’t you disassemble it and look for relevant infos on the inner components?
Why don’t they just rename it to “AdOS” already?
but… but that would be anti-semitic
Procrastinating… I feel, whenever I postpone something for tomorrow, days fly by faster than usual.
Similarly in Scandinavia. Friends, who live in Sweden, told me about multiple people claiming how Sweden is turning more fascist, compared to previous years.
with your previous comment you went far afield, but you’re not wrong either.
If they managed to push this thing through, they might as well force other laws onto people.
I’m avoiding all votes in my country due to their (all parties) silence on the current situation. Call me anti-democratic, but, for me, democracy died a long time ago.
Und genau das tun sie eben nicht. Sie leben nicht in Frieden. Sie schikanieren die Palästinenser seit sie begonnen haben sich widerrechtlich auszubreiten. Das Problem in der DACH region ist, dass davon nichts berichtet wird in den Medien, und es werden nur Halbwahrheiten bzw. Lügen verbreitet.
hab schon mitbekommen, dass die dach communities auf feddit.org wechseln.
kein freund von israels politik? also ein anti-semit, ha?! 😂
I live in Austria, so no need to translate. Well, A. Baerbock knows her position is fragile atm. She had a different tone, or better yet, no tone at all the whole time. Politicians are realizing now, how bad Israels position is, and that any further support might cost them votes (and their career)
I follow tarek bae on IG for “independent” news coverage regarding palestine, Israel and germany.
lol… who the fuck downvotes this comment? it’s just regular convo about books… people are really awkward.
thx for that book recommendation. I love the turkish culture, and will put it on my list… after I’m done with the sea, the arabs and the balkans.
They are supporting the exact same scheme they did back in then.
Back then, it was normal to humiliate Jews mentally and physically, while people were looking away.
Today, the IDF (Israel) is about to make the same thing happen to Palestinians. Most of that can be seen on all the video evidence captured by civilians and press.
Filling out a piece of paper prevents no one from being racist
apparently not for everyone