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Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    In a leaked email seen by the Guardian, Prof Samuel Weiss, a neuroscientist working for the Canadian federal agency responsible for funding medical research, wrote that the government had deliberately curtailed the search for an explanation.

    The spokesperson outlined how medical professionals in New Brunswick had a duty to notify authorities of certain diseases, and said the department was assisting Dr Alier Marrero, who initially raised concerns about patients he was following.

    “Public Health New Brunswick has had ongoing discussions with PHAC on this file and has worked in partnership with the national agency several times to support Dr Marrero,” the spokesperson said.

    While the province’s investigative committee concluded there was no “cluster” of patients with a mystery illness, the leaked emails show that senior research scientists remain unconvinced.

    The Guardian has reported previously that 1,000 pages of internal documents obtained by freedom of information requests showed that early on in the investigation the province’s department of environment and public health units began eagerly exploring the possibility of environmental causes alongside their federal counterparts.

    And I feel that there is a moral and ethical responsibility for other officials to step in,” said Stacie Quigley Cormier, whose 23-year-old daughter Gabrielle is suffering from a neurological disorder that has left her with muscle loss and shaking.

    The original article contains 1,128 words, the summary contains 214 words. Saved 81%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Justice Clarence Thomas, who wrote the 2022 in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen opinion, filed a lone dissent.

    “The Court and Government do not point to a single historical law revoking a citizen’s Second Amendment right based on possible interpersonal violence,” Thomas wrote.

    A Texas man, Zackey Rahimi, was convicted for violating that law following a series of shootings, including one in which police said he fired into the air at a Whataburger restaurant after a friend’s credit card was declined.

    Rahimi’s lawyers claimed that the Supreme Court’s blockbuster decision two years ago meant that the law on domestic violence orders could not be squared with the Constitution.

    The New Orleans-based 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals embraced that argument, concluding that a gun ban for people involved in domestic disputes was an “outlier that our ancestors would never have accepted.”

    That may be in part because a series of related legal challenges are already queued up for the court, including a question of whether non-violent felons can be denied access to firearms.

    The original article contains 773 words, the summary contains 177 words. Saved 77%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The Ontario Science Centre is shutting down immediately due to the risk that the building’s roof could collapse, the province announced Friday.

    Backlash to the province’s decision to move the site has also come from the Thorncliffe Park neighbourhood, as it’s a community with a high population of young children and limited recreational space.

    An engineering report this week by Rimkus Consulting Group showed each of the centre’s three buildings contain roof panels in a “distressed, high-risk” condition, the Ministry of Infrastructure said in a news release.

    “These estimates are incomplete and subject to change,” said the ministry, noting the costs make up only a “small portion” of the funding needed to keep the science centre open.

    Michael Robertson, the assistant deputy minister with the Ministry of Infrastructure, said there are no “immediate” job losses for science centre staff.

    “The [province] could have invested in revitalizing the Science Centre, but instead it’s using our public money to concoct a sham business case against this important community hub,” she said.

    The original article contains 763 words, the summary contains 168 words. Saved 78%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    From the bare-bones text adventures of the 1980s to the heartfelt hypertext works of Twine creators, interactive fiction is an art form that continues to inspire a loyal audience.

    The text game was made by Will Crowther in 1976, based on his experiences spelunking in Kentucky’s aptly named Mammoth Cave.

    Descriptions of the different spaces would appear on the terminal, then players would type in two-word commands—a verb followed by a noun—to solve puzzles and navigate the sprawling in-game caverns.

    Perhaps that extraordinary factor is what sparked the curiosity of people like Plotkin and Nelson to play Adventure and the other text games that followed.

    “I think it’s always been a focus on the written word as an engine for what we consider a game,” said software developer and tech entrepreneur Liza Daly.

    Home computers were just beginning to gain traction as Stanford University student Don Woods released his own version of Adventure in 1977, based on Crowther’s original Fortran work.

    The original article contains 497 words, the summary contains 161 words. Saved 68%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • 🤖 I’m a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

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    TikTok says it offered the US government the power to shut the platform down in an attempt to address lawmakers’ data protection and national security concerns.It disclosed the “kill switch” offer, which it made in 2022, as it began its legal fight against legislation that will ban the app in America unless Chinese parent company ByteDance sells it.

    “This law is a radical departure from this country’s tradition of championing an open Internet, and sets a dangerous precedent allowing the political branches to target a disfavored speech platform and force it to sell or be shut down,” they argued in their legal submission.

    A draft “National Security Agreement”, proposed by TikTok in August 2022, would have seen the company having to follow rules such as properly funding its data protection units and making sure that ByteDance did not have access to US users’ data.The “kill switch” could have been triggered by the government if it broke this agreement, it claimed.In a letter - first reported by the Washington Post - addressed to the US Department of Justice, TikTok’s lawyer alleges that the government “ceased any substantive negotiations” after the proposal of the new rules.The letter, dated 1 April 2024, says the US government ignored requests to meet for further negotiations.It also alleges the government did not respond to TikTok’s invitation to “visit and inspect its Dedicated Transparency Center in Maryland”.

    The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia will hold oral arguments on lawsuits filed by TikTok and ByteDance, along with TikTok users, in September.Legislation signed in April by President Joe Biden gives ByteDance until January next year to divest TikTok’s US assets or face a ban.It was born of concerns that data belonging to the platform’s 170 million US users could be passed on to the Chinese government.TikTok denies that it shares foreign users’ data with China and called the legislation an “unconstitutional ban” and affront to the US right to free speech.It insists that US data does not leave the country, and is overseen by American company Oracle, in a deal which is called Project Texas.However, a Wall Street Journal investigation in January 2024 found that some data was still being shared between TikTok in the US and ByteDance in China.

    In May, a US government official told the Washington Post that "the solution proposed by the parties at the time would be insufficient to address the serious national security risks presented.

    "They added: “While we have consistently engaged with the company about our concerns and potential solutions, it became clear that divestment from its foreign ownership was and remains necessary.”

    Saved 19% of original text.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    About 1,500 Tata Steel workers will begin an indefinite strike next month over the company’s plans to cut thousands of jobs, the trade union Unite has said.The move is the first time in more than 40 years that steel workers in the UK have taken strike action, the union added.

    About 2,800 Tata Steel workers will lose their jobs when the company closes both blast furnaces in Port Talbot by the end of September.The company said if the strike affected the safety or stability of its operations it would be “forced” to accelerate closure plans.The strike will begin on 8 July at Port Talbot and Tata’s Llanwern site in Newport.

    Sharon Graham, Unite general secretary, said Tata’s workers were “not just fighting for their jobs – they are fighting for the future of their communities and the future of steel in Wales”.She said the strikes would continue until the firm “halts its disastrous plans”.Two other trade unions, Community and GMB, have decided “not to schedule any industrial action before the general election has taken place”, said Alun Davies, national officer for steel at Community.“If and when we do take industrial action, that decision will be made by Community members, who represent the vast majority of workers impacted by Tata’s damaging plans,” he said.Unite members at Tata previously observed an overtime ban and “work to rule” – meaning refusing to do work that is optional in their contracts.Tata has urged Unite to suspend the action and return to discussions along with other unions.It previously warned it could withdraw the enhanced redundancy packages on offer if workers went on strike.Chief executive Rajesh Nair said the “most favourable financial package” it had ever offered would not be paid if staff took part in industrial action.The company plans to build a £1.25bn electric arc furnace to produce steel in a way which is less polluting than traditional blast furnaces, but requires fewer workers.Tata said the move would secure the future of steel making at the site and the UK government is contributing £500m towards the cost of the project.The company said it was “disappointed” by the strike action.It said it was losing £1m a day that it’s steelmaking apparatus were “operationally unstable” and that was why its planned had not changed.

    “If the safety and stability of our operations are put at risk by this action, we will be forced to accelerate those closure plans," a spokesman said.“After extensive negotiations with our unions we substantially improved our support offering for affected employees - the most generous package in our history."

    Strike action is as serious as it gets for workers and the company.Unite has behaved differently to the other two unions in Port Talbot, who remain in discussion with Tata Steel.Going alone is a gamble by Unite.Tata has already said that its most favourable redundancy offer to workers is off the table due to the union’s industrial action, and it could yet be taken to court.

    Tata Steel maintains that “irregularities” in Unite’s ballot mean any industrial action is unlawful, though it hasn’t asked a judge to rule on the issue.While workers held a rally this week to mark the beginning of a work-to-rule and an overtime ban, Unite’s 1,500 membership may find it harder to walk out on strike at Port Talbot and Llanwern.They would do so while most of their colleagues in other unions were still speaking to the company about their redundancies, and Unite’s stance has caused significant tension among the multi-union team who are negotiating with Tata.This is also a political gamble for Unite, with the spectre of steel strikes beginning days after the general election and posing an immediate headache to whoever enters 10 Downing Street.

    The original article contains 617 words, the summary contains 617 words. Saved 0%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

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    Wild chimpanzees eat plants that have pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties to heal themselves, according to scientists.They described their “detective work” in the forests of Uganda - observing animals that appeared injured or sick to work out whether they were self-medicating with plants.When an injured animal sought out something specific from the forest to eat, the researchers collected samples of that plant and had it analysed.

    Most of the plants tested turned out to have antibacterial properties.The scientists, who published their findings in the journal PLOS One, think the chimps could even help in the search for new medicines.

    “We can’t test everything in these forests for their medicinal properties, lead researcher Dr Elodie Freymann, from the University of Oxford, said.

    “So why not test the plants that we have this information about - plants the chimps are seeking out?”Over the past four years, Dr Freymann has spent months at a time following and carefully observing two communities of wild chimpanzees in Budongo Central Forest Reserve.As well as looking for signs of pain - an animal limping or holding its body in an unusual way - she and her colleagues collected samples of droppings and urine to check for illness and infection.They paid particular attention when an injured or ill chimpanzee sought out something they do not normally eat - such as tree bark or fruit skin.“We were looking for these behavioural clues that the plants might be medicinal,” Dr Freymann explained.She described one particular chimp - a male - that had a badly wounded hand.

    “He was the only chimp to seek out and eat these ferns.”The researchers collected and analysed the fern - a plant called Christella parasitica, which turned out to have potent anti-inflammatory properties.In total, the researchers collected 17 samples from 13 different plant species and sent them to be tested by Dr Fabien Schultz, at the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany.That revealed that almost 90% of the extracts inhibited bacterial growth, and a third had natural anti-inflammatory properties, meaning they could reduce pain and promote healing.All the injured and ill chimps reported in this study fully recovered, Dr Freymann was happy to report.

    “The one who ate ferns was using his hand again within the next few days,” she explained.“Of course, we can’t 100% prove that any of these cases were a direct result of eating these resources,” she told BBC News.“But it highlights the medicinal knowledge that can be gained from observing other species in the wild and underscores the urgent need to preserve these ‘forest pharmacies’ for future generations.”

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    The owner of a home in southwestern Florida has formally submitted a claim to NASA for damages caused by a chunk of space debris that fell through his roof in March.

    NASA has confirmed the 1.6-pound object, made of the metal alloy Inconel, was part of a battery pack jettisoned from the space station in 2021.

    “This is truly the first legal claim that is being submitted for recovery for damages related to space debris,” Worthy said.

    Officials originally planned to place pallets of the old batteries inside a series of Japanese supply freighters for controlled, destructive reentries over the ocean.

    In this case, the negligence could be that NASA miscalculated about the survival of enough debris to damage property on Earth.

    Finally, NASA could refuse the claims or make an unacceptable settlement offer—in which case the Otero family could file a federal lawsuit in Florida.

    Saved 80% of original text.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Namibia’s high court has overturned a law that criminalised gay sex in a victory for LGBTQ+ campaigners after a number of setbacks in the battle for rights in African countries in recent years.

    The judgment, made by three high court judges, said the laws amounted to unfair discrimination under Namibia’s constitution, noting that the same consensual sexual conduct was not criminalised if it was between a man and a woman.

    “By decriminalising same-sex relationships, Namibia creates a safer environment for LGBTQ+ communities,” said Anne Githuku-Shongwe, UNAids’ regional director for east and southern Africa.

    In a pan-African survey of 34 countries conducted between 2019 and 2021, Namibia ranked as the third most tolerant on the question of how people felt about having gay neighbours, with 64% of respondents saying either that they would like it or not care about it.

    However, Uganda strengthened its anti-LGBTQ+ legislation last year, imposing the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality”, which includes gay sex with a disabled person or someone over the age of 75.

    In February, Ghana’s parliament passed a bill that imposes a prison sentence of up to five years for the “wilful promotion, sponsorship, or support of LGBTQ+ activities”, although the president has refused to sign it while it is being challenged in court.

    The original article contains 597 words, the summary contains 211 words. Saved 65%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    His post came after Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed legislation this week that requires the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in the state.

    He was accused of having an affair with Stormy Daniels and was convicted in New York of 34 felonies to make hush money payments to keep it secret.

    On Friday, the federal judge presiding over Trump’s classified documents case in Florida is hearing arguments on a long-shot defense effort to get the indictment thrown out.

    He is also facing state and federal cases in connection with his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results which he has falsely claimed was stolen from him.

    Landry in court,” Rachel Laser, president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State said on Wednesday.

    In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that the public display of the Ten Commandments in two Kentucky county courthouses was similarly unconstitutional.

    The original article contains 555 words, the summary contains 152 words. Saved 73%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    For more than two decades, the U.S. position has been that al Qaeda acted alone on September 11th, but a newly public video has raised questions about whether the Saudi government provided crucial assistance to the hijackers during the 9/11 terror attacks.

    Omar al-Bayoumi, whom the FBI says was an operative of the Saudi intelligence service with close ties to two of the 9/11 hijackers, can be heard on the video, which was unsealed in federal court this week and obtained by 60 Minutes.

    The 1999 video was taken within 90 days of the time when senior al Qaeda planners were deciding on 9/11 targets, Richard Lambert, a retired FBI agent who led the initial 9/11 investigation in San Diego, said.

    Lambert, who’s now a consultant on the case filed by the families of 9/11 victims to hold Saudi Arabia responsible in the Sept. 11 attacks, said knowledge of where the Washington Monument is in relation to other D.C. landmarks could help guide people toward intended targets.

    Lawyers for the 9/11 families and former intelligence analysts who spoke with 60 Minutes believe portions of the video show Bayoumi surveilling the Capitol as part of that plan.

    They also seized Bayoumi’s hand-written address book that the lawyers for the 9/11 families say was filled with phone numbers of numerous senior Saudi officials who were in the government at the time.

    The original article contains 639 words, the summary contains 229 words. Saved 64%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A businessman shot dead in an altercation with a former client on Monday victimized hundreds of people through myriad enterprises that sparked three major police operations, netted at least $100-million and triggered dozens of lawsuits, according to interviews and court records.

    “He appears to have found that that was a very advantageous situation for him because he had this network of family and associates in whose names he could put the assets and properties that he controlled and essentially be immune,” said lawyer Peter Smiley, who is representing several clients suing Mr. Missaghi for mortgage fraud and estimated that victims’ losses exceed $100-million.

    “From our records it shows that a complainant filed a fraud report against Arash Missaghi,” said Peel Regional Police spokesperson Constable Tyler Bell-Morena told The Globe this week.

    During the penultimate hearing in the case, on July 5, 2021, Justice John McMahon chided Mr. Missaghi and several of his co-accused for foot dragging so much on retaining lawyers that they were putting their rights to a fair trial at risk.

    In an e-mailed statement, Keesha Seaton, a spokesperson for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, told The Globe “the Crown carefully considered all the relevant circumstances of the case, as well as the applicable law and the anticipated evidence, and determined there was no longer a public interest in proceeding.”

    “You’re functionally deputizing the victims of frauds to pursue an extremely sophisticated multimillionaire fraudster through the court system who is paying some of the best and most expensive lawyers in Toronto to defend him with the money that he stole from you,” Mr. Smiley said.

    The original article contains 1,214 words, the summary contains 269 words. Saved 78%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Elon Musk, who has long touted claims about the world’s supposed depopulation crisis, had another child with an executive at his brain implant company Neuralink, according to a report from Bloomberg.

    Neuralink director Shivon Zilis reportedly had the child with Musk earlier this year.

    On Thursday, Musk reposted a chart that claims Europe is suffering from a “fertility crisis,” saying “civilization may end with a bang or with a whimper (in adult diapers).”

    He told Carlson “a collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces, by far.” In 2021, Musk’s nonprofit organization donated $10 million to the University of Austin to fund the Population Wellbeing Initiative, a research group that studies the human population.

    A recent report from The Wall Street Journal said Musk had a sexual relationship with a former SpaceX intern who later became one of the company’s executives.

    Last week, eight former SpaceX engineers filed a lawsuit against Musk that claims the billionaire “knowingly and purposefully created an unwelcome hostile work environment based upon his conduct of interjecting into the workplace vile sexual photographs, memes, and commentary that demeaned women and/or the LGBTQ+ community.” The complaint echoes past allegations of discrimination and sexual harassment at SpaceX, including an incident where Musk allegedly propositioned a flight attendant for sex.

    The original article contains 323 words, the summary contains 212 words. Saved 34%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    After killing off and selling off various studios and cause lots of job losses, Embracer Group have put out their latest annual report and they have big plans for AI.

    Embracer Group control the likes of THQ Nordic, PLAION, Coffee Stain, Amplifier Game Invest, DECA Games, Easybrain, Asmodee Group, Dark Horse Media, Freemode and Crystal Dynamics – Eidos.

    AI has the capability to massively enhance game development by increasing resource efficiency, adding intelligent behaviors, personalization, and optimization to gameplay experiences.

    If you use AI for this, depending on how it’s trained and the decisions it takes, you may end up with a village with a demography that displays some sort of imbalance.

    As AI models become more powerful, we can leverage their capacity also in the creative process, for example, by identifying inconsistencies in scripts and storytelling.

    There will be tremendous benefits for our creative teams regarding scriptwriting, image creation, idea generation, quality control, and more.

    The original article contains 589 words, the summary contains 156 words. Saved 74%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Justice Clarence Thomas, who wrote the 2022 in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen opinion, filed a lone dissent.

    “The Court and Government do not point to a single historical law revoking a citizen’s Second Amendment right based on possible interpersonal violence,” Thomas wrote.

    A Texas man, Zackey Rahimi, was convicted for violating that law following a series of shootings, including one in which police said he fired into the air at a Whataburger restaurant after a friend’s credit card was declined.

    Rahimi’s lawyers claimed that the Supreme Court’s blockbuster decision two years ago meant that the law on domestic violence orders could not be squared with the Constitution.

    The New Orleans-based 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals embraced that argument, concluding that a gun ban for people involved in domestic disputes was an “outlier that our ancestors would never have accepted.”

    That may be in part because a series of related legal challenges are already queued up for the court, including a question of whether non-violent felons can be denied access to firearms.

    The original article contains 773 words, the summary contains 177 words. Saved 77%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Now, as officers scour the country’s cities to draft men of military age, currently 25 to 60, many people like Vladyslav have gone into hiding, fearful that conscription is a one-way ticket to the front line.

    Those fears are backed by some military analysts, who say that Ukrainian troops often lack adequate training, which makes it difficult for Kyiv to hold its lines as they are quickly sent into battle to replace combat losses.

    Tymofii Brik, a sociologist at the Kyiv School of Economics, said that polling “suggests the willingness to defend the nation among Ukrainians has remained consistent” throughout the war, with about one-third of people indicating a readiness to serve.

    For much of the war’s first two years, the Ukrainian military refrained from large-scale mobilization, relying instead on the tens of thousands of volunteers who joined its ranks after Russia invaded in February 2022.

    Oleksandr said he had started assessing which routes were the safest to go to work and monitored groups on the Telegram messaging app where people track draft officers’ movements.

    Jack Watling, a military expert at the Royal United Services Institute, a defense think tank in London, said that most Ukrainian soldiers were lucky if they got five weeks of training.

    The original article contains 1,356 words, the summary contains 206 words. Saved 85%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    In an exercise involving multiple US government agencies during April 2024, NASA conducted a so-called “tabletop” game in which participants plot their response to a 72 percent chance that an asteroid may hit Earth in 14 years.

    Underpinning a bewildering number of moving parts is the likelihood that space agencies are not ready to implement the operations needed to find out more about the threat and mitigate it, even with more than a decade to prepare.

    The game also found that the “role of the UN-endorsed Space Mission Planning and Advisory Group (SMPAG) in an asteroid impact threat scenario is not fully understood by all participants.”

    “Sustaining the space mission, disaster preparedness, and communications efforts across a 14-year timeline would be challenging due to budget cycles, changes in political leadership, personnel, and ever-changing world events,” the report says.

    It recommends “periodic briefings and exercises to continue to raise awareness of planetary defense and increase readiness for preparation and response to an asteroid impact threat.”

    Speaking to US public radio service NPR, Terik Daly, planetary defense section supervisor at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, said experts didn’t know of any asteroids of a substantial size that are going to hit Earth for the next hundred years.

    The original article contains 610 words, the summary contains 206 words. Saved 66%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Steve Bannon, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, asked the Supreme Court on Friday to delay his prison sentence while he fights his convictions for defying a subpoena from the House committee that investigated the attack on U.S. Capitol.

    The request came after a federal appeals court panel rejected his bid to avoid reporting to prison by July 1 to serve his four-month sentence.

    Bannon was convicted nearly two years ago of two counts of contempt of Congress: one for refusing to sit for a deposition with the Jan. 6 House Committee and the other for refusing to provide documents related to his involvement in Trump’s efforts to overturn his 2020 presidential election loss to Democrat Joe Biden.

    His previous attorney told him that the subpoena was invalid because the Republican former president has asserted executive privilege and the committee would not allow a Trump lawyer in the room.

    Bannon is also facing criminal charges in New York state court alleging he duped donors who gave money to build a wall along the U.S. southern border.

    Bannon has pleaded not guilty to money laundering, conspiracy, fraud and other charges, and that trial has been postponed until at least the end of September.

    The original article contains 399 words, the summary contains 207 words. Saved 48%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    When Lionsgate revealed June 17 it would bring Francis Ford Coppola’s $120 million passion project Megalopolis to U.S. theaters, plenty of questions swirled — and not just about whether an actor playing a reporter would show up at screenings to ask questions of Adam Driver’s onscreen character midway through the movie, as happened at Cannes.

    More pressingly, folks in Hollywood wondered if the deal called for Lionsgate to put its own skin in the game by paying for any of Megalopolis’ marketing.

    The film will also play on some Imax screens, potentially a boon for the project, which is banking on Coppola’s status as one of the great living filmmakers to draw in aficionados.

    Coppola famously retains ownership of his movies, which is why he has been able to deliver various cuts of his classics like Apocalypse Now, and he always intended to exercise complete control over Megalopolis.

    Lionsgate has a long relationship with Coppola on home releases, and sees the upside of adding one more to the roster.

    Throughout his press tour, he maintained his hope that the message of the movie — about an obsessive man pouring himself into a project to build a better world — would live on after him.

    The original article contains 318 words, the summary contains 201 words. Saved 37%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A geoengineering technique designed to reduce high temperatures in California could inadvertently intensify heatwaves in Europe, according to a study that models the unintended consequences of regional tinkering with a changing climate.

    The paper shows that targeted interventions to lower temperature in one area for one season might bring temporary benefits to some populations, but this has to be set against potentially negative side-effects in other parts of the world and shifting degrees of effectiveness over time.

    Earlier this year, scientists at the University of Washington sprayed sea-salt particles across the flight deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier, the USS Hornet, docked in Alameda in San Francisco Bay.

    Using Earth system computer models of the climate in 2010 and 2050, they simulated the impacts of two cloud brightening operations carried out over different regions of the north-eastern Pacific Ocean, one in the subtropics near California and one in the mid-latitudes near Alaska.

    The 2010 simulation suggested the operation near Alaska would lower the risk of dangerous heat exposure in the target region by 55% – equivalent to 22 million people-days per summer – while the closer subtropical test would cause smaller, but still significant gains of 16%.

    In simulations of the more disrupted climate of 2050, however, the same two operations produced very different results because there were fewer clouds, higher base temperatures and different ocean current patterns, most importantly a slowing of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc).

    The original article contains 767 words, the summary contains 239 words. Saved 69%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!