axont [she/her, comrade/them]

A terrible smelly person

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2020

  • The elements that made New Vegas good were the team, the near infinite money they had, and how everyone seemed to enjoy the project. From interviews I’ve read with Josh Sawyer and Tess Treadwell, it seems like everything went as smooth as game production could have gone. They were never worried about deadlines or anything, despite the 18 month production time. They wanted to have more Legion territory, but otherwise the game is how they wanted it to be. So I don’t know how those elements would get replicated.

    Pentiment is really good though. Outer Worlds is…ok. I guess we’ll see.

  • Before people start saying anything positive, this entire exchange is the resolution of a diplomatic tennis match that the Zionist Entity and Ukkkkraine have been having for years. Isntreal was courting Russian diplomacy and oil since the 90s and the two have had somewhat substantial population exchanges. And since at this point a country can either choose good relations with Russia or Ukraine, Russia ended up with positive Zionist relations. Putin himself has had a pro-Zionist platform for decades now.

    In 2014 Isntreal was one of the few western aligned countries to not condemn Russia’s annexation of Crimea, since they were still trying to get on Russia’s good side. The relationship has gotten even worse since the Donbas war. Isntreal sent some aid to Ukraine, probably the minimum amount required to also stay in western graces, but they haven’t sanctioned or embargoed Russian trade.

    So this kind of thing was inevitable. It’s dialectical materialism playing out, and probably not some manifest sympathy for Palestinians on the part of Ukkkkraine.

  • yeah good luck lmao

    Even Israel thinks it’s still 1982. Like I don’t even know what Iran would do at this point. They’re one of Hezbollah’s major allies. The telegraphed missile barrage was really out of character for Iran who typically tries to play it cool.

    Israel is having a hard enough time fighting ragtag Al-Qassam militants with homemade RPGs. Hezbollah actually has funding and infrastructure. They have technical trucks and artillery. Why would Israel try to do this? Do they really need this much of a reality check? Maybe they’re stuck in 2006 where Israel kept indiscriminately shooting civilian targets in Lebanon to the point Hezbollah got justifiably terrified of just how evil Israel could be, so they called for a ceasefire after a month.

    How would it go over if Israel tries to do the 2006 Lebanon war again? Like with cluster munitions and white phosphorous launched at civilians. Am I gonna be reading “Hezbollah also hiding behind human shields”?

  • I really respect the area of Kerala and its commitment to their public. Very robust educational system, healthcare, and a focus on access to clean water. That’s just from stuff I’ve seen and read though, I’ve never been to India, I’m American.

    I hope the best for India’s future, but it seems worrying from what I hear. I would hope for greater collaboration with China and an easing of tensions with Pakistan. India is a massively diverse place though, with multiple languages and even multiple writing scripts, so sometimes it’s amazing it’s a functional country at all.

    Most of what I hear though is about India dominated by very right wing movements, but there’s a strong history of Indian working class movements as well. I’ll try to be optimistic about the future. Also as an American I am fully aware of my country’s horrifying exploitation of the Indian people. The Union Carbide disaster is still the worst industrial accident in history and its impact should never be forgotten

  • The interview I saw about him was more like he doesn’t feel any emotions outside of making money. Like he gets bored or twitchy if he’s not doing something connected to making videos or generating revenue.

    Inhuman, soulless husk. Meat puppet generated by capital to do its bidding. Marx was correct when he said the bourgeoisie are more of slaves to capital than the workers are. People like Mr. Beast are barely even conscious entities anymore.