
  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • I grew up on 10000 acres of farmland. My entire family were proud “poachers”. I’ve seen some shit, including a bullet riddled bald eagle behind the barn.

    Some of my earliest childhood memories were of my grandfather and deaf uncle chasing around coyotes like unhinged psychos with the dog waggon. Watching the greyhounds run them down, and tear them to shreads while they laughed and had a great time. Coyote pelts used to bring a lot of money as well.

    Now, I never liked this behavior even though I was raised and forced to participate, but I certainly understand how these morons become this way. They mostly behave this way with predatory animals like wolves, coyotes, hawks, etc. Animals that kill all their chickens. Break their cattles, or horses legs and may or may not kill them. They take pride and satisfaction in ridding the earth of these “varmint”.

    Now I am mostly vegan, aside from my love of raising chickens, and eating their free range eggs. And I love all animals! But, I want to murder the fuck outta those rat bastard possums when they weasle their way into my henhouse at night, and I wake up to my babies feathers and caucuses splayed across the yard.