boboblaw [he/him, they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2020


  • This is such a bizarre, absurd argument. What do those sentences, taken out of context and misrepresented, demonstrate about Nietzsche’s view of Jews?

    The New Testament isn’t exactly considered the Jewish part of the Bible. Just on the face of it, the quotes seem to be more anti-christian than anti-jewish.

    Also idk about the implication that stanning Pilate is antisemitic. He does have an absolute banger of a line.

    This take on Nietzsche is particularly ironic considering that actual German nationalism was being born at the time, and Nietzsche opposed it. He broke with Wagner over all the batshit antisemitic stuff (again, Nietzsche was anti-christian, not antisemitic…).

    Nietzsche famously loathed Christianity, and the slavish mentality he perceived to be at the core of the faith.

  • I think he’s saying harming a human being is morally worse than harming an animal, all else being equal. I was confused as well but I think it’s just the Community meme wording. Had to reread it and look up the actual line from the show.

    The line is “I can excuse racism but I draw the line at animal cruelty”. I’d forgot the extra layer of irony, that it’s a white woman implying cruelty to animals is worse than cruelty to black/brown people.

    This fucking site strains my reading comprehension sometimes.

    being murdered on a factory farm

    I think a factory farm slaughtering people is considered outside the realm of possibility. I assume the vast majority of people would consider that morally worse.

  • Of those killed by the Shining Path, eighteen were children, the youngest of whom was only six months old.

    You got a source for this part?

    The interview doesn’t seem quite as damning as you’re making it out to be. He seems to be saying they dealt a devastating blow to the mesnadas.(which are supposedly government-run paramilitaries?)

    He claims the army came in and

    formed armed groups, called mesnadas

    right before he says

    In the face of reactionary military actions and the use of mesnadas, we responded with a devastating action

    So he doesn’t appear to be saying they murdered a bunch of unarmed peasants, he’s saying they attacked an armed paramilitary group.

    we weren’t the same as those they had fought before

    This also doesn’t suggest unarmed peasants.

    I’m not saying he’s telling the truth, or that they didn’t kill any innocent people. It’s just far from him openly admitting they killed babies.

  • Oh yeah, classic case of “the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor”. I went through that subreddit a while back and was shocked to see how toxic and fucked up a mirror they’d made of incels.

    Lots of advice on abusive relationship tactics and how to be effectively controlling and manipulative. It read like a bunch of sociopaths trying to outdo the redpillers. I sympathized somewhat because I got the sense that many of them were victims of abuse and considered it a way to ensure they wouldn’t be victimized again.

    Serious “fight fire with fire” vibes.

    Edit: Looks like that subreddit is dead now, and they’ve moved on to another platform. Maybe they were risking a ban due to all the rabid transphobia.

    Subscribers: 255,604

    Sub Description: Effective dating strategy for women that know what they want and prefer to be able to take control of their dating lives. Also includes strategies to maintain a relationship that benefits you. Plus tips on how to deal with some of the negative strategies from men that you encounter.

    Totally normal approach to dating. A relationship is a zero-sum game for domination and control. So why not play to win?

    Really disappointed I didn’t see more complaining about the current meta. It’s totally pay-to-win.