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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • One of the engines not so much because I know planes are designed to handle losing an engine. Thinking about a wing falling off? Yeah, especially if I’m sat over a wing by a window I’ll just look at it wobbling and think “what if this is the number of wobbles it takes to come off?”, especially on long OS flights over the ocean… but I try to distract myself from thinking about it for too long.

  • I’m just reading through Pornhub’s 2023 Year in Review (I probably shouldn’t link to PH here, but you can find it) and it’s actually fascinating data… and they have a lot of it!

    Spoiler: Australia’s PH viewing drops 17.2% on Australia Day. I think that says a lot about people getting together with friends and family rather than spending the day alone and it’s actually quite nice. Also Australia loves lesbians.

  • I was just looking at a picture of Australia and it’s crazy how little of this country I’ve seen in my 40.5 years. I did a rough highlight of where I’ve been, and I mean rough because I have been very generous with how thick some of the lines are considering I just took 1 highway in some cases and I’ve highlighted a whole chunk where I’ve sort of criss-crossed on various highways and destinations. It’s not like I’ve been through every inch of where I’ve highlighted.

    UPDATE: I have made it a little more accurate, going from Google’s data. It looks a bit off but I think it’s because this image is skewed by Google Earth’s globeness.

    If I look at where Google has seen me (so this would be from 2013 onwards when I moved from iPhone to Android), I can see it thinks I haven’t seen a bunch of western Victoria but that must have been pre-Android when I drove out there, or maybe I haven’t seen as much of it as I thought: