Profile by artisticside(, Instagram:@artisticsideoflife_)

Banner by Elena_Medvedeva(, Website:

  • 4 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023


  • Putting my two cents here, first, lemmy is not a unified thing, its a concept just like the internet, in that since you can’t sue lemmy anymore than you can sue the internet. Theoretically, if you can, which entity will it be, the people who make the code, the admins of each individual would need to take each individual instance, each in a different court case, which can take months or years and shitton of money, since your data is shared between instance and since any individual can host an instance, you may be looking at a court case per person since each is a separate enity. There are also wanting list so you have to wait months or even an year between cases for different instances

    And like realistically, at most one person will try to sue instance. What complicats this more is that we are talking about different countries with different laws and different relations. People talk about the GDPR like its the Gospel, when in reality its so much more complicated than that. For Europe, Big Tech is the pressing issue for now, so lemmy isn’t gonna be making headlines anytime soon, and moreover this includes mastodon, kin etc, pretty much any federvise that can view lemmy instance, which the same applys to them.

    Lastly, decentralization was never about privacy, at least in the beginning, infact its probably worst for it, since you have to trust hundreds if not more parties with your data. Ironically, decentralization was made specifically for those cases, lemmy spirit can live on without any specific instance, the software is open and anyone fork or use , so there is no head to cut.