SNAP, food stamps. If you’re broke/homeless/unemployed and are fortunate enough to live in a state that doesn’t have strict means testing then for fucks sake, DO NOT pay for food that should be free. Otherwise, bulk section and growing my own easy greens like lettuce and Kale if that’s an option, it wont solve the problem but it helps.
Mutual aid networks are also sick- if they exist in your area it makes it easy to get stuff like beans, lentils, and rice for free, but most likely you’ll have to put up with a critical mass of terribly unread anarkiddies. They can be pretty insufferable sometimes, but some are also cool and open minded (I’m biased because I used to be one before dedicating 8+ months to reading Marx/Engles, Lenin/Stalin, Mao and friends), plus it beats letting the capitalists starve you. Find the MA people and get into the group chats, if you dedicate your time to a feed for your homeless neighbors, it’s likely you’ll also get fed.
Also if you go this route you can drip feed theory to them. Blessed ML comrades in the group chat being super chill and gentle about things until folks are ready to pick up a book.
He’s in doggie heaven with other best boy Negro Matapacos (Spanish/Chilean slang for black cop killer)