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Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • I think the author’s perspective is the solution should aim towards the social organisation of workers (in this case artists) as a group in a step towards the worker’s state; the technology is not the problem but the privatisation of the surplus value from socialised labour is. Art-luddites (if such a thing is even possible now) would actually be a good thing - they could threaten “machinary” to gain leverage for workers at large.

    It is not one’s personal failure for attempting to survive in a system that exploits one and their labour, neither is a recognition of any classes that we fit in that is not exclusively proleteriat. As individuals maybe our only realistic solution be attempts towards becoming petty-bourgoisie or highly sought after labour aristocrats - if not already there - (which will not mitigate sufficiently the contradictions) but as an organisation the scope is much much more.

    We have to remember when we are reading more radical writing that they are trying to push where we could be as a society ie the opposite of tailism. However, we should always place those ideas in the context of our own realities and trial them where appropriate, and learn on the feedback from this process - that is the more scientific and dialectic approach.

  • Thank you once again for sharing.

    His channel has excellent insights and well put together. Short, easily digestable, well cited and nicely presented along with often beautiful drone photography of China at the end. Thank you yogthos for introducing this channel.

    He is a business analyst who sees through the western media smokescreen, the destructiveness of the western military indsutrial complex, the gains China has made, and the sophistication of how China develops out of poverty and builds out diplomacy. He clearly either lives in China or visits often and has first hand experience.

    However, he is an excellent example of how deep Western delusion runs.

    What is the reason he believes China is winning? Christianity. He claims this from a positive perspective. The language he uses to explain international trade diplomacy alludes to imperialism from a historical context (remember he does not appear to have marxist understanding of capital) in the link to the video attached, with a Chinese Christian twist of the White Man’s Burden as he sees it. He also alludes to why other communist countries have failed in his eyes; their godlessness. It is almost as if it is from another channel. It is amazing that China’s strategy can win loyalty even from these kinds of people. The video in question:


    It is a common theme from liberal analysts who see China in a positive light; the reason for success is anything but marxism-leninsm.

    The efficiency of implementation of socialism in China is a remarkable achievement in human history; given limited resources and the pitfalls of attempting to propagate revolutionary agitprop abroad they have decided to instead focus on prioritising mutually beneficial material gains. It is such a powerful force in itself that no resources needed to be wasted in further propaganda; peoples with all sorts of bourgoisie narratives will still promote you if they perceive a benefit for themselves (case in point: the youtuber described)!

    Edit/ added last paragraph

  • He knows that there is an understanding that zionism is not judaism which is why he has to specify the contrary. As others have noted:

    1. Zionism is not Judaism.
    2. There are multitudes more non-Jewish zionists than there are Jewish ones.
    3. To the Zionist the only valid Jewish identity is that of the fascist settler-colonialist. They seek to erase other Jewish identities especially anti-zionists ones; zionists seek to normalise colonialism, ethnic cleansing and genocide. Zionists often slur Jewish peoples that oppose zionism as “self-loathing”.
    4. Number 3 is a common imperialist/capitalist phenomenon. See for example the erasure of communist Ukrainian identities in favour of fascist diaspora.
    5. Zionism is deeply anti-semitic.

  • darkernations@lemmygrad.mltoComics@lemmygrad.mlThe DNC
    1 month ago

    See, I’m allowed to criticize my government on the internet. I disagree with a great many things that the Biden administration is up to.

    1. On gangsterism: Your actions and opinions are not a threat to the status quo. Your nominal political government is not the most powerful governing force in your country, it is beholden to capital and those who guard it. If your actions were considered a sufficient threat you will quickly find yourself effectively imprisoned, killed or nullified. You may for example find yourself branded as a terrorist or a terrorist sympathiser. You may find yourself branded as a target of the police state. You may be accused of being an enemy state proxy. There is a litany of examples domestically. Internationally there is no pretense of civility, America pretty much resorts straight to gangsterism.

    2. The siege against socialism: You are comparing a country under hybrid wars by the US with your supposed requirements of freedom. That country is under seige by yours. Your western media openly admits they have trouble infiltrating with their spying and attempts at colour revolutions. Your country has surrounded that country with your military. You supply vassal states and governments around your target with arms and funding.

    3. On the power of capital: Capital inequality is more important when that capital has political sway. If you have a governing system more powerful than capital then that significance is increasingly taken away. Communism is stateless, moneyless and classless; socialism is the transition between capitalism and communism. It is a transition which cannot be expected to be immediate; they have to navigate this while being under the constant threat of imperialism.

    4. On freedom: Freedom is gained through understanding the scientific laws around us including those of the political economy. If you feed the poor you may be called a saint but if you question why they are hungry you may branded a communist. America for example has awful rates of homelessness, lack of healthcare and lack of education; basic neccesities for a dignified life. There is no guarantee for those freedoms and America has fought against those guarantees globally and domestically at the protest of socialist states. It has the highest rates of incarceration, significantly higher than China; what does that and all of the above say about your supposed freedoms? Necessitous men are not free men.

    5. On poverty: Most of the world is capitalist, most of the world is poor and under the tyranny of capital. Countries like China have democratic centralism; a system that is signifcantly more democratic than the US. China since its inception as a socialist state has steadily increased life expectancy (beats the US now), one of the fastest improvements in all developmental parameters and has the fastest eradication of absolute poverty the world has ever seen; 800 million people. In fact if you take China out of the equation global poverty has actually got worse. You have to consider what are the democratic feedback loops that are in place for this to happen? In bourgoise democracies you debate over which political party gets to be in power to screw you over. In democratic centralism you debate over which policies are to be enacted. Have you ever for example allowed to decide once your district gets funding how that is allocated? Have you ever been consulted over whether your banking system gets bailed out? How many wars did you have a democratic say in? Have you ever had any reasonable political power if a billionaire screws you over?

    6. On authoritarianism: All systems of governance have a degree of authority, the question is which classes do they hold the authority on behalf of? Even a crude outline of democracy has authoritarianism; if 60% people vote one way and 40% of people vote another then that 60% has theoretically authority over that 40%. In capitalist countries the authoritarianism is on behalf of the capitalist class. In the imperialist cores such as the US they are able to some degree give concessions to the non-capitalist classes subsidised by the loot of imperialism; the superexploitation of other countries. Therefore a signifcant portion of the American non-capitalist classes fight over these crumbs and have the privilege to dismiss the crimes against humanity globally the US has done to subsidise these crumbs. When you are arguing Democrats are better we have to question for whom and at whose expense. You’re essentially admitting that you believe that you are sufficiently exempt from the future (and current) crimes against humanity that Democrats will enact; you are domestically and on the world stage therefore in a privileged class.

    Please consider the above explanations are just an outline. When one first learns about, let’s say, physics one is introduced to newtonian mechanics when reality it is much more sophisticated including general/special relativities and quantum theory. Marxism is a science of political economy and therefore theory is continually being tested, practised, developed, and expanded on. It is not a religion and we are not priests. I have attempted to do a whistle-stop tour that is by no means complete.

    If you taken the time to read this then I thank you for your patience. The first step, no matter how painful, is to come to terms with your own bigotry and ignorance. The next step is self-education; your state is not going to help you. Most people in your position will ignore these two steps because at some level they benefit materially from this exploitation; they are privileged enough to ignore the oppression and have no perceived incentive to listen to us.

    A lot of us were liberals once. We are asking you to betray your class for the betterment of society. As someone smarter than myself has stated: you can’t resist for very long a truth you discover for yourself.

    Why Socialism, by Albert Einstein https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism/

    Why Marxism: https://redsails.org/why-marxism/

  • The self help book - like many others - has no meaningful concept of externalities so fails to give the toolkit to find the solution to complex problems one may have, and has no real understanding of social cooperation to solve challenging problems. It is essentially relying on the luck of privilege; that your problems are sufficiently devoid of most people’s realities that neither tackling externalities nor real social cooperation or organisation is required to solve them.

  • darkernations@lemmygrad.mltoComics@lemmygrad.mlThe DNC
    1 month ago

    China is significantly more democratic than the US. Your racism and exceptionalism is disgusting. The American empire and its western vassal states are just that awful; either you do not understand the extent of evil that is the west or you do not care. You choose to engage in apologism and wrap your identity around it; noone is forcing you.

    If you actually want to learn we can point to resources and materials so you can educate yourself. There’s a slim chance you will engage in class betrayal and step outside your bigotry.

  • darkernations@lemmygrad.mltoComics@lemmygrad.mlThe DNC
    1 month ago

    The privilege of your racism is why the world loathes your kind; if your voting campaign is a more palatable genocide then you aren’t brainwashed - at some level you perceive to materially benefit from supporting fascism and willingly seek racist narratives that fit your world view. You are the “Trump supporter” you think you oppose.

  • The New York Times published an article accusing various journalists and activist groups (including Code Pink) who criticised USAmerican imperialism - including some Indian ones - were Chinese state proxies. I suspect this “information” had already been passed around US political elites resulting in Pelosi’s reaction.

    The New York Times article was followed shortly by the Indian fascist government arresting / torturing journalists that were allegedly associated with those mentioned in the article; Indian governments have long accused journalists critical of them as Chinese proxies (eg “urban Naxalites”) because they document atrocities such as in Kashmir, and BJP-associated pogroms where they go to a village and kill every Muslim/Christian/lower-caste child and woman. The raids lasted over 100 days.

    The liberals in the comments here do not understand or care the extent of depravity that is the American Empire.

  • I agree, there are much better systems of democracy.

    Given your follow up queries - at this stage anyway - I am not sure you do know. For example, could you answer the following: why is China significantly more democratic than the US?

    All liberal democracies are dictatorships of the bourgoisie no matter the technical processes of how they elect their political leaders and once you understand why and how then you will have at least the theoretical grounding to proceed further.