Gonna try this
I feel like a lot of the images I’ve seen for this version of dalle have a very distinctive cartoonish style
Looks pretty surreal to me
“Pretty fly for a kunai”
Haha yes indeed therein lies the humor ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Nice touch using opendyslexic
Yes all Americans are loud obnoxious and arrogant 🙄
It’s one of those things where it has become a word in and of itself because so many people use it that way
That’s actually really sweet, teaches them to not bottle up their emotions.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I forget to eat a lot of the time and it definitely makes you feel tired stressed and anxious
In a black car
You can feel superior in the way that twin brothers feel superior to each other
Ngl its kinda goofy but actually an interesting study
At least you get the sense of superiority!
brb applying for med school
Was going to become a doctor then I realized that literally over 60% of doctors have burnout, yeah that really seems worth the paycheck that I won’t have time to spend
It misses what details are important most of the time or just does a very inelegant job. Even when using gpt4 I still don’t really use it for direct rewrites when it’s something important
Mr. Lovenstein has been improving lately