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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • I love the treesitter based movement (allows to move to beginning/end of a function), and the jump list (list of the locations where the cursor went, cross files and easy to navigate… Vscode really misses this).

    I miss a debugging experience at least comparable to Vscode’s with rust analyzer (ability to start the debugger on a single test case without having to look for the executable’s path) to be able to use it day to day. To be honest, competing with vscode is always going to be difficult

  • OO programming is such an overloaded concept that the answer here is “kinda”.

    Rust does make some patterns like the “sea of pointers” of OO languages a bit difficult (mostly due to borrow checking). It also doesn’t feature data inheritance.

    However, rust promotes a style of programming where encapsulation is key (notably to provide safe APIs around unsafe parts), and while the encapsulation unit is the module arguably structs with invariants are still “objects”, in that in code that emphasizes maintainability you don’t interact with their data directly but through their methods, this bundling data with behaviour. It also features static polymorphism through generics and trait, and dynamic polymorphism through either enums or through trait objects.

    My personal take away is that rust has OOP, the good parts.