ennemi [he/him]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2022


  • Cool comic and mostly good advice but I’d make some adjustments and additions :

    • Don’t ball up your fist, keep your hands relaxed and flex your knuckles right before impact
    • Exhale as you’re throwing the punch, you’ll get a bit more power and you won’t get tired as fast if you have to throw some more
    • You shouldn’t lean into it that much, leaves you open to unpleasant things like getting knee’d in the face
    • Best not to “follow through” like that either. Your punches should be snappy and practically bounce off of the nazi’s face. This is also conducive to punching more nazis, or punching the same nazi more

  • I’d still recommend getting an AMD graphics card and generally prioritizing hardware with upstream drivers. As in, drivers that are included with the kernel itself. The experience is always better. Overall it’s still a good habit to look up how any hardware runs on Linux before buying it.

    Gaming in a Windows VM is possible but it was a big ordeal when I did it. You have to make sure your CPU and motherboard support IOMMU for PCI passthrough. It’s less of a problem nowadays but there are still some pitfalls with PCIe lanes and whatnot. You need two video adapters, one for the host and one for the guest (because the host has no access to the passed-through GPU) and if you want to game on both Windows and Linux that can be a pain in the ass. It goes on. I personally don’t recommend it. If you have to play trashy eSports that ship with built-in anti-cheat malware then just Windows for that.

  • Distributed ledgers allow for consensus without trust. That is it.

    That’s like saying asymmetric cryptography only allows for trust irrespective of medium. We still deployed it everywhere because it turns out that’s useful in countless ways. Blockchains are also not necessarily public, and generally most of the shit they get from leftists has more to do with stupid wasteful consensus mechanisms than anything to do with the principle of a fancy networked Merkle tree itself.

    In the end it’s just another mathematical guarantee and we can do better than “concept is related to bad people and is therefore bad”

    edit : Also worth noting that PKI was a huge gold rush when it started and still to this day lots of companies make utter bank on the sole basis that their certificate chains are trusted by default in your browser