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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Funny you bring up a king. Biden is empowered by congress to forgive debt, people broadly support student debt relief. How is forgiving debt acting like a king in this circumstance?

    I think you are confusing the actions of the unelected SCOTUS who routinely takes actions against the will of the people. If Biden wants to stop unilateral actions, he literally needs to fight against this far right SCOTUS.

    Why are you arguing about student debt relief if you don’t know the law that empowers POTUS? It’s cited by Biden himself, but you can google yourself, you might learn something.

  • Do you want debt reform or not?

    Congress empowered the president to forgive debt. The courts ignored standing rules to even take that case and SCOTUS has no power to overrule both congress and the president.

    President’s have ignored SCOTUS before but Biden doesn’t even have to do that. He can forgive debt like he’s doing now but do it broadly and instantaneously.

    If SCOTUS later rules against that broad forgiveness, there’s nothing administratively they can do. No politician D or R would reinstate $.5 trillion in voter debt just to appease the unelected SCOTUS. You can’t put that genie back in the bottle.

  • I highly recommend this podcast. He does a great job of differentiating what the different authors say and what are his own opinions. And he adds corrections to the episode when listeners point out his mistakes. The French, Haitian, 1848, and Russian revolutions really changed how I see the world. Be warned, they can hit dozens of episodes each.

    The American and English civil war are OK, not Duncan’s fault, it’s just the non Anglo revolutions were better material IMO.