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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m not sure about that (the icon bit). I’ve gay friends who have been surprised that Turing was gay - personally I knew about it since I knew about Turing, but I was a nerd who was interested in the theory of computation. It’s only relative recently (with the popularity of unbelievably lousy character-assassination like “the Imitation Game”*) that he’s been more in the general public eye, I think.

    • This is a shit film that represents the worse of pandering, and casts Turing in an appallingly poor light, whilst leaning into the “autistic savant” trope hard. It’s abysmal.

  • I have observed people taking Rust seriously. You need to reexamine your assumptions.

    We have an evolved capability to short-circuit decisions with a rapid emotional evaluation. It means as a species we didn’t die out early [“that’s a lion; I’m a oerson; lions eat people ergo… Agh!” is not a sustainable strategy] - what’s amazing is that we can also apply it to elarned abstract things like an aestetic sense about programming languages. Such instincts aren’t always perfect, but they’re still worth paying attention to. I don’t see a reason not to express that in a blog post, but you can replace it with “this is unergonomic and in some cases imprecise” if you prefer.