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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • My budget for going out also isn’t that high. But I don’t think there is a strict correlation between price and tastiness of food anyways. Sure it’ll get more fancy the more you pay. And there is some minimum if you want some quality. But after that it’s not necessarily getting more and more tasty. At least in my opinion. I’m perfectly fine with the more affordable food. Some nice Tantanmen ramen every now and then, or those tasty rice bowls with tofu and minced meat. Or middle eastern food. That’s almost always nice. It’s not super cheap, but doesn’t cost an arm and a leg either. Unfortunately my favorite pizza and burrito place isn’t around anymore.

    There are some exceptions to the rule though. Some ingredients are just pricey. But I really don’t need those kinds of things on a regular basis. Sushi also isn’t something I get often.

  • Agreed. I think most prominently competitive gaming; development where you need to assure it later on actually works as intended on the target platform; and business stuff where parties are obliged by contract to guarantee something works flawlessly and keeps running that way - are good examples.

    That laptop doesn’t look to me like it was intended to do any of that, so that’s maybe why I’m being a bit negative here. It’s cool and a nice idea, though…

    (And we already have ARM-based retro machines, FPGA clones if popular processors available. So there is no need for them to do the exact same thing.)

  • You’re probably right. I think the form factor is mainly due to sushi being finger food. And Japanese people seem to like bite-sized food anyways. I mean they don’t hand you a knife in the first place so there wouldn’t be any way to cut your food even if you wanted.

    I’m not an expert on sushi either. And I wonder if it really has a long tradition of how it’s supposed to be done. I suppose what we deem authentic are relatively new inventions. Like conveyor-belt restaurants aren’t from the 18hundreds. And they certainly didn’t eat raw salmon before refrigerators were commonplace.

  • h3ndrik@feddit.detoCool Guides@lemmy.caA cool guide to sushi etiquette
    9 hours ago

    That’s true. On the other hand, frying a good piece of beef beyond well-done also isn’t how it’s supposed to be. It’ll just get dry and destroy the thing. And similarly, if you put a high quality piece of raw salmon on rice and then proceed to make it just taste of too much wasabi and salty soy sauce, makes the salmon kinda pointless. I’m not sure. People do all kinds of silly stuff with foreign food. Including mixing all the sauce, wasabi and ginger and stuffing it in their mouths… There are worse sins available to do, but I always wonder what kind of taste buds these people have.

    I mean I don’t care about that stuff too much. I just put whatever I like on sushi. I think that happens to align with what is deemed appropriate. It’s a bit boring without salt, but I want to taste the fish and rice so I use the sauce sparingly. In the end the important thing with food is that it ends up in my stomach and feeds me.

  • Hmmh. I’m pretty sure we don’t have the same perspective anyways, because I’m not from the United States. And all the labels are really off. I’d consider your liberals, conservative by my standards. That’s not necessarily bad, just a difference in society. And the media very opinion-centric and not necessarily factual. In the USA everything seems to be about emotion and strong opinions.

    I follow American politics and culture because I think it’s interesting. And we get some of the same dynamics here. But some things are unfathomable to me. Like giving up freedom because conservatives like to make life easy for big corporations. Or paying >$10,000 for a broken health insurance that doesn’t cover half the things. Or letting your children get shot at in schools…

    I’m sorry if my “labels” have some connotation to you that I’m not educated on because I don’t take part in everyday-life in that society. I’ll remeber that there is a difference in perception among certain groups of people.

    It’s just that influencers have some power over people. And hearing the same things over and over again makes you believe in it at some point. And Tucker Carlson definitely does framing, polemics and portrays things in a counter-factual way. In my eyes that’s lying by omission. And he does this deliberately so I can’t trust anything he says. Also he doesn’t value American values at all but instead likes Autocrats like Putin. He doesn’t see that politicians sometimes are idiots and things happen out of incompetence. He immediately sees a big and emotional conspiracy story behind everything, when in reality most of the times it’s just incompetence and/or simple greed.

    And I’m sorry, but not “believing” in things like climate change is just stupid. And spreading this is dangerous. You could spend like 5 minutes, have a look at the graphs and educate yourself. Or ask a farmer who does the job for a few years. Or go outside or visit Spain or some of the other places that have serious droughts for consecutive year after year now. I’m my eyes the amount of people who don’t “believe” in science, or get it completely 180 degrees wrong, just shows the general state of education in a society and if an education system has failed a decent share of the population. And being proud to be uneducated doesn’t make you an appropriate “journalist”.

    So disregarding any labels, he has proven to tell fake-news, false conspiracy stories, make up things or just reproduce things Putin made up. And his former employer had to pay hundreds of millions to settle and let him go because he told too many lies. You -of course- may watch him, but I’d be wary about any word that comes out of his mouth. It may very well be made up by himself or people he admires. And it may be because he’s pushing an agenda and trying to convince you to believe in lies.

    Of course that doesn’t address whether other people are more believable or not. Some of them might also be pushing some agenda, that’s true.

    It’s not necessarily the conservative perspective that gets me, more the lying and being dishonest that I’m not okay with…

    But if you ask me, I’d say you have to oppose the perspective of people like this if values like freedom and liberty are important to you. And the future of your country. Because this perspective is close to being shills of big oil and big pharma companies, denying things like climate change for money, so big companies can rip off the people even more. And most of it happens at the expense of the average guy.

  • The M6117C also isn’t the original and not that old. Also the 8MB of RAM aren’t true to the original.

    I’m not sure. I occasionally use emulation. And I think it’s fine. Unless you’re a speed runner and need everything to be exact to the frame timing, you won’t notice. Certainly not for a desktop UI like the Win 3.11 on the photo. I guess it depends on the use-case.

    Something like a FPGA or an ESP32 can also be repaired, replaced, programmed and most of the things a CPU or different architecture can do. And if the emulation layer doesn’t have too many flaws, it’ll be pretty realistic. Not exactly the same thing, but I think it’ll do for practically any use-case. And it comes with other benefits.

    I think you’re allowed to do it just for the sake of it. But I often see people using an original SNES because “emulation is shit” and then they proceed to connect it to the TV set in their livingroom, which isn’t even close to the original experience because it adds lots of latency and doesn’t have interlacing and the colors are different than on a CRT, too. I think that’s just having strong opinions despite being uneducated. And I think I’m equally as well off with my Raspberry Pi and Emulationstation. (Which can also run DOS games.)

    In the end everyone is entitled to their opinion. But this also isn’t the original (You can get an old Laptop… I have one with an 486.) But this isn’t the original but a replica. And it’s debatable (in my opinion) whether it’s the CPU architecture that does the realism, or other factors. I think for realism, you’d need a black and white liquid crystal display, a NiMH battery that degrades fast if you don’t charge it right and half the amount of RAM at most. And maybe just a floppy drive. The CPU is something you wouldn’t notice with the current state of technology.

  • Don’t we need to know the purchasing power of money in the country? Without that the median wage is just a number and it doesn’t tell anything about standard of living and such. We only get to know how many foreign products they can afford in dollars. And not even that because import tax varies, too.

    And last time I looked, Japan had lik 8% or 10% VAT. And I believe Poland has 23%. So immediately all goods are way more expensive and it doesn’t really compare.

  • I installed it like 2 weeks ago. As of now it’s still running and has a really low memory footprint compared to Synapse. But a lot of things aren’t implemented. Chatting works fine. I get a lot of warning messages about not implemented things, though. Like my client (FluffyChat) trying to query some profile status … I’d say try it. I’ve done so. But I can really only give some good advise after a few more weeks of using it. Maybe there is a dealbreaker.

  • Ich finde Mindfactory nicht so super sympathisch. Weiß auch nicht mehr was da genau war aber vor ein paar Jahren musste ich mich mal mit denen herumschlagen und das war nicht so toll. Aber das Midnight shopping haben sie. Ich wollte dort letztens eine Festplatte kaufen, hab bis Mitternacht gewartet und pünktlich um 0 Uhr haben sie den Preis um knapp 30€ (!) erhöht… Hätte ich mal lieber die frechen 9€ Versandkosten bezahlt. Naja, jetzt hab ich halt keine Festplatte. Aber ich glaube im Grunde kann man da schon kaufen.