no. i’ve been to dozens of psychologists/psychiatrists since i was 12 and none of them helped me. the most useful one was the one who diagnosed me with ocd in my 30s, but that was 100% based on me admitting i had ‘obsessive thoughts,’ which could have stemmed from any number of disorders (i also had cpstd which i diagnosed myself lol).
then, when i did get a formal diagnosis i went to several after that and none of them mentioned CBT or ERP-- i learned about them on reddit. i ended up fixing my problems on my own.
all that professional help and i had to bootstrap my own therapy. fuckers were so useless i couldn’t even get legit benzo prescriptions even though my anxiety was so bad i couldn’t work (would have ended up homeless several times if it hadn’t been for family).
why did i click into any of those lol
love this comment tho
[–]nogoodnamesleft426 44 points 2 days ago* This didn’t happen in SF, but i remember sometime 10-12 years ago, i was in Mountain View and saw an RV parked on the street next to a DIY car wash, and there was a long orange extension cord plugged into an outlet on the car wash property with the other end of the extension cord leading into the RV.
The owner/driver of the RV was so blatantly siphoning electricity that i called the non-emergency number of the police department to report it. I did wait around to see that they sent two officers to talk to the RV owner, but i ended up leaving before i could see if they made him unplug his cord or not.
I understand completely the plight of some of the RV folks who are truly struggling and who work around here and genuintely need help. But regardless of if that’s the case or not, i have ZERO sympathy for things like siphoning electricity or gas, leaving garbage and in general causing trouble. If the police need to come down hard on those people, so be it.
Edit: why TF am i being downvoted? Can anyone explain what is so bad/wrong about my comment? You really think it’s okay for someone to just steal someone else’s electricity like that? Who the hell do you think has to pay the electrical bill every month??